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Tiled-Image-Segmentation-Multiple-Myeloma (Updated: 2023/07/03)

This is an experimental project to detect Multiple-Myeloma from some pieces of tiled-images created from a large 4K image, by using our Tensorflow-Slightly-Flexible-UNet.
The original dataset used here has been take from the following web site:

SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells in Microscopic Images
Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta, Shiv Gehlot, Shubham Goswami, April 29, 2021, "SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells 
in Microscopic Images", IEEE Dataport, doi:

doi = {10.21227/7np1-2q42},
url = {},
author = {Anubha Gupta; Ritu Gupta; Shiv Gehlot; Shubham Goswami },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells in Microscopic Images},
year = {2021} }

If you use this dataset, please cite below publications-
1. Anubha Gupta, Rahul Duggal, Shiv Gehlot, Ritu Gupta, Anvit Mangal, Lalit Kumar, Nisarg Thakkar, and Devprakash Satpathy, 
 "GCTI-SN: Geometry-Inspired Chemical and Tissue Invariant Stain Normalization of Microscopic Medical Images," 
 Medical Image Analysis, vol. 65, Oct 2020. DOI: 
 (2020 IF: 11.148)
2. Shiv Gehlot, Anubha Gupta and Ritu Gupta, 
 "EDNFC-Net: Convolutional Neural Network with Nested Feature Concatenation for Nuclei-Instance Segmentation,"
 ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 
 Barcelona, Spain, 2020, pp. 1389-1393.
3. Anubha Gupta, Pramit Mallick, Ojaswa Sharma, Ritu Gupta, and Rahul Duggal, 
 "PCSeg: Color model driven probabilistic multiphase level set based tool for plasma cell segmentation in multiple myeloma," 
 PLoS ONE 13(12): e0207908, Dec 2018. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207908


See also:
Systematic Evaluation of Image Tiling Adverse Effects on Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation
  • 2023/06/22 Updated to backup copies of previous eval_dir and model_dir.
  • 2023/06/22 Modified to copy a configuration file to a model saving directory.
  • 2023/06/22 Retrained TensorflowUNet model by using two type of model sizes, 256x256 and 512x512.
  • 2023/06/30 Added BatchNormalization flag to [model] section of config file to test adverse effects to tiled-image-segmentation .
  • 2023/07/03 Added Overlapped-Tiled-Image-Segmentation section.

1. Install tensorflow on Windows11

We use Python 3.8.10 to run tensoflow 2.10.1 on Windows11.

1.1 Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community

Please install Microsoft Visual Studio Community, which can be ITed to compile source code of cocoapi for PythonAPI.

1.2 Create a python virtualenv

Please run the following command to create a python virtualenv of name py38-efficientdet.
>cd c:\
>python38\python.exe -m venv py38-efficientdet
>cd c:\py38-efficientdet

1.3 Create a working folder

Please create a working folder "c:\google" for your repository, and install the python packages.
>mkdir c:\google
>cd    c:\google
>pip install cython
>git clone
>cd cocoapi/PythonAPI

You have to modify extra_compiler_args in in the following way:

>python build_ext install

2. Install Tiled-Image-Segmentation-Multiple-Myeloma

2.1 Clone repository

Please clone Tiled-Image-Segmentation-Multiple-Myeloma.git in the working folder c:\google.
>git clone
You can see the following folder structure in Tiled-Image-Segmentation-Multiple-Myeloma of the working folder.
            │  ├─images
            │  └─masks

2.2 Install python packages

Please run the following command to install python packages for this project.

>cd ./Image-Segmentation-Multiple-Myeloma
>pip install -r requirements.txt

2.3 Create MultipleMyeloma dataset

2.3.1. Download

Please download original Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells dataset from the following link. SegPC-2021-dataset
SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells in Microscopic Images
The folder structure of the dataset is the following.
│  └─x
│  ├─x
│  └─y
Each x folder of the dataset contains the ordinary image files of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells, and y folder contains the mask files to identify each Cell of the ordinary image files. Both the image size of all files in x and y is 2560x1920 (2.5K), which is apparently too large to use for our TensoflowUNet Model.

Sample images in train/x:

Sample masks in train/y:

2.3.2. Generate MultipleMyeloma Image Dataset

We have created Python script /projects/MultipleMyeloma/generator/ to create images and masks dataset.
This script will perform following image processing.
 1 Resize all bmp files in x and y folder to 256x256 square image.
 2 Create clear white-black mask files from the original mask files.
 3 Create cropped images files corresponding to each segmented region in mask files in y folders.

See also the following web-site on Generation of MultipleMyeloma Image Dataset.

2.3.3 Generated MultipleMyeloma dataset.

Finally, we have generated the resized jpg files dataset below.
            │  ├─images
            │  └─masks

3 Train TensorflowUNet Model

We have trained MultipleMyeloma TensorflowUNet Model by using the following train_eval_infer.config file.
Please move to ./projects/MultipleMyeloma directory, and run the following bat file.
, which simply runs the following command.
>python ../../ ./train_eval_infer.config
This python script above will read the following configration file, build TensorflowUNetModel, and start training the model by using
; train_eval_infer.config
; 2023/6/22

; Modified to use loss and metric ; Specify loss as a function nams ; loss = "bce_iou_loss" ; Specify metrics as a list of function name ; metrics = ["binary_accuracy"] ; Please see:

[model] image_width = 256 image_height = 256 image_channels = 3 num_classes = 1 base_filters = 16 num_layers = 6 dropout_rate = 0.08 learning_rate = 0.001 dilation = (1,1) loss = "bce_iou_loss" metrics = ["binary_accuracy"] show_summary = False

[train] epochs = 100 batch_size = 4 patience = 10 metrics = ["binary_accuracy", "val_binary_accuracy"] model_dir = "./models" eval_dir = "./eval" image_datapath = "./MultipleMyeloma/train/images/" mask_datapath = "./MultipleMyeloma/train/masks/" ;2023/06/22 create_backup = True

[eval] image_datapath = "./MultipleMyeloma/valid/images/" mask_datapath = "./MultipleMyeloma/valid/masks/"

[infer] images_dir = "./mini_test" output_dir = "./mini_test_output"

[tiledinfer] images_dir = "./4k_mini_test" output_dir = "./4k_tiled_mini_test_output"

[mask] blur = True binarize = True threshold = 60


loss = "bce_iou_loss"
metrics = ["binary_accuracy"] 
are specified in train_eval_infer.config file, bce_iou_loss and binary_accuracy functions are used to compile our model as shown below.

    # Read a loss function name from a config file, and eval it.
    # loss = "binary_crossentropy"
    self.loss  = eval(self.config.get(MODEL, "loss"))

    # Read a list of metrics function names from a config file, and eval each of the list,
    # metrics = ["binary_accuracy"]
    metrics  = self.config.get(MODEL, "metrics")
    self.metrics = []
    for metric in metrics:
    self.model.compile(optimizer = self.optimizer, loss= self.loss, metrics = self.metrics)

You can also specify other loss and metrics functions in the config file.
Example: basnet_hybrid_loss(

loss         = "basnet_hybrid_loss"
metrics      = ["dice_coef", "sensitivity", "specificity"]

On detail of these functions, please refer to
, and Semantic-Segmentation-Loss-Functions (SemSegLoss).

The training process has just been stopped at epoch 68 by an early-stopping callback as shown below.

The val_binary_accuracy is very high as shown below from the beginning of the training.
Train metrics line graph:

The val_loss is also very low as shown below from the beginning of the training.
Train losses line graph:

4 Evaluation

We have evaluated prediction accuracy of our Pretrained MultipleMyeloma Model by using test dataset. Please move to ./projects/MultipleMyeloma directory, and run the following bat file.
, which simply run the following command.
>python ../../ train_eval_infer.config
The evaluation result of this time is the following.

5 Tiled Image Segmentation

By using Python script, we have created 4K size 4k_mini_test dataset, which is a set of 4K size images created from the original 2.5K image bmp dataset in the following x images folder:

Please move to ./projects/MultipleMyeloma directory, and run the following bat file.


, which simply runs the following command.

>python ../../ train_eval_infer.config

This Python script performs Tiled-Image-Inference based on the directory settings in in following tiledinfer section,

images_dir = "./4k_mini_test"
output_dir = "./4k_tiled_mini_test_output"

The script performs the following processings for each 4K image file.

1 Read a 4K image file in images_dir folder.
2 Split the image into multiple tiles by image size of Model.
3 Infer for all tiled images.
4 Merge all inferred mask,

Currently, we don't support Seamless Smooth Stitching on the mask merging process.

See also: Tiling and stitching segmentation output for remote sensing: basic challenges and recommendations

For example, 4K image file in 4k_mini_test will be split into a lot of pieces of tiled split images as shown below;
4K 405.jpg

Tiled split images

Input 4K images (4k_mini_test)

Infered 4K images (4k_mini_test_output)

Detailed 4K images comarison:


6 Improve Tiled Image Segmentation

How to improve segmentation accuracy of our Tiled-Image-Segmentation Model?
At least, it is much better to increase the image size of our UNet Model from 256x256 to 512x512. We only have to change the configuration file train_eval_infer.config as shown below, and retrain that UNetModel.
; train_eval_infer_512x512.config
image_width    = 512
image_height   = 512

1 Training 512x512 model

Please move to ./projects/MultipleMyeloma directory, and run the following train bat file.
, which simply runs the following command.
>python ../../ ./train_eval_infer_512x512.config

2 Inference by 512x512 model

, which simply runs the following command.
>python ../../ ./train_eval_infer_512x512.config

We are able to get slightly clear better inference results as shown below.

Detailed 4K images comarison:


7 Non Tiled Image Segmentation

For comparison, please move to ./projects/MultipleMyeloma directory, and run the following bat file.
, which simply runs the following command.
>python ../../ train_eval_infer.config
This Python script performs Non-Tiled-Image-Inference based on the directory settings in in following infer section,
images_dir    = "./mini_test" 
output_dir    = "./mini_test_output"
In this case, the images_dir in that section contains 2.5K image files taken from

Input images (mini_test)

Infered images (mini_test_output)

8 BatchNormalization Effects on Tiled-Image-Segmentation

The current TensorflowUNet Model has no BatchNormalization layers in Encoder and Decoder blocks. However, in order to test effects of BatchNormalization, we have added optional parameter in model section as shown below:
; train_eval_infer_normalized_512x512.config
normalization = True
Furthermore, we have updated create method TensorflowUNet class to insert BatchNormalization layers when that normalization flag is True.
Please move to ./projects/MultipleMyeloma/, and run the following train bat file.
, by which TensorflowUNet Model with BatchNormalization will be created.

Please run the following tiled_infer bat file.


Input 4K images (4k_mini_test)

Output 4K Tiled-inferred (4k_mini_test_output_normalized_512x512)

9 Overlapped Tiled Image Segmentation

We have modified infer_tiles methond in TensorflowUNet class to support Overlapped Tiled Image Segmentation. We have also added overlapping property to [tiledinfer] section in train_eval_infer_normalized_512x512.config file.
; train_eval_infer_normalized_512x512.config
;Please specify 0 if you don't need any overlapping.
overlapping = 64
, and modified threshold in [mask] section.
threshold  = 128
This is a threshold to binarize a mask image, and will affect to BatchNormalization.

Please move to ./projects/MultipleMyeloma/, and run the following train bat file.


, by which TensorflowUNet Model with BatchNormalization will be created.

Please run the following tiled_infer bat file.


Input 4K images (4k_mini_test)

Overlapped-Tiled-Image-Segmentation:Output 4K Tiled-inferred (4k_mini_test_output_normalized_overlapped_512x512)

Please see also:


1. SegPC-2021-dataset
SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells in Microscopic Images
Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta, Shiv Gehlot, Shubham Goswami, April 29, 2021, "SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells 
in Microscopic Images", IEEE Dataport, doi:
doi = {10.21227/7np1-2q42},
url = {},
author = {Anubha Gupta; Ritu Gupta; Shiv Gehlot; Shubham Goswami },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells in Microscopic Images},
year = {2021} }
If you use this dataset, please cite below publications-
1. Anubha Gupta, Rahul Duggal, Shiv Gehlot, Ritu Gupta, Anvit Mangal, Lalit Kumar, Nisarg Thakkar, and Devprakash Satpathy, 
 "GCTI-SN: Geometry-Inspired Chemical and Tissue Invariant Stain Normalization of Microscopic Medical Images," 
 Medical Image Analysis, vol. 65, Oct 2020. DOI: 
 (2020 IF: 11.148)
2. Shiv Gehlot, Anubha Gupta and Ritu Gupta, 
 "EDNFC-Net: Convolutional Neural Network with Nested Feature Concatenation for Nuclei-Instance Segmentation,"
 ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 
 Barcelona, Spain, 2020, pp. 1389-1393.
3. Anubha Gupta, Pramit Mallick, Ojaswa Sharma, Ritu Gupta, and Rahul Duggal, 
 "PCSeg: Color model driven probabilistic multiphase level set based tool for plasma cell segmentation in multiple myeloma," 
 PLoS ONE 13(12): e0207908, Dec 2018. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207908

2. Deep Learning Based Approach For MultipleMyeloma Detection
Vyshnav M T, Sowmya V, Gopalakrishnan E A, Sajith Variyar V V, Vijay Krishna Menon, Soman K P

3. EfficientDet-Multiple-Myeloma
Toshiyuki Arai

4. Image-Segmentation-Multiple-Myeloma
Toshiyuki Arai

5. The revolutionary benefits of 4K in healthcare

6. Three Reasons to Use 4K Endoscopy and Surgical Monitors

7. Systematic Evaluation of Image Tiling Adverse Effects on Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation
G. Anthony Reina1, Ravi Panchumarthy, Siddhesh Pravin Thakur,
Alexei Bastidas1 and Spyridon Bakas

8. Tiling and stitching segmentation output for remote sensing: basic challenges and recommendations
Bohao Huang, Daniel Reichman, Leslie M. Collins
, Kyle Bradbury, and Jordan M. Malof


Tiled-Image Segmentation for Multiple-Myeloma by Tensorflow-Slightly-Fexible-UNet







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