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Atleon is a lightweight reactive stream processing framework that scalably transforms data from any supported infrastructure, and allows sending that data nearly anywhere, while seamlessly maintaining at least once processing guarantees.

Atleon is based on Reactive Streams and backed by Project Reactor.

Documentation and Getting Started

Atleon documentation and instructions on how to get started are available in the Wiki.

An example message processing pipeline in Atleon looks like the following:

import io.atleon.core.AloStream;
import io.atleon.core.DefaultAloSenderResultSubscriber;
import io.atleon.kafka.AloKafkaSender;
import reactor.core.Disposable;

public class MyStream extends AloStream<MyStreamConfig> {

    public Disposable startDisposable(MyStreamConfig config) {
        AloKafkaSender<String, String> sender = config.buildKafkaMessageSender();

        return config.buildKafkaMessageReceiver()
            .map(record -> config.getService().transform(record.value()))
            .filter(message -> !message.isEmpty())
            .transform(sender.sendAloValues(config.getDestinationTopic(), message -> message.substring(0, 1)))
            .subscribeWith(new DefaultAloSenderResultSubscriber<>());

The examples module contains runnable classes showing Atleon in action and intended usage.


Atleon is built using Maven. Installing Maven locally is optional as you can use the Maven Wrapper:

./mvnw clean verify


Atleon makes use of Testcontainers for some unit tests. Testcontainers is based on Docker, so successfully building Atleon requires Docker to be running locally.


Please refer to CONTRIBUTING for information on how to contribute to Atleon


This project is available under the Apache 2.0 License.