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Running the project

  • Development mode: npm run devStart
  • Production mode: npm run start

Database migration and seeding

Creating Migration

Creating migration is done by using createModel command. This command takes two parameters:

  • Name : the name of the model
  • attributes: the list of the model attributes.

To create a model named User we have to run:

npm run createModel -- --name User --attributes Name:string,Email:string

This will:

  • Create a model file user in models folder;
  • Create a migration file with name like {time-stamp}-create-user.js in migrations folder.

Running migration

Even though we created a model it is not inserted into the database yet. So to do that we have to run this command:

npm run migrate

This command will create empty Users table in the database

Undoing migrations

You have to execute this command:

npm run migrate-undo

Creating a seed

In order to insert data into the table created from migration, you have to create a seed. To create a seed you have to run this command:

npm run createSeed -- --name example-user

this will create a file called {time-stamp}-example-user.js in the seeders folder.

So you have to edit it putting in you schema data for a table. The file will that looks like this:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
 up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
   return queryInterface.bulkInsert('Users', [{
       firstName: 'John',
       lastName: 'Doe',
       email: ''
     }], {});

 down: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
   return queryInterface.bulkDelete('Users', null, {});

Here in this file you will have to change data as you want before running the seed.

Running the seed

we have created a seed file and we have to commit it to the database.

npm run seed

Undoing seeds

undoing the seeds we have to run this code:

npm run seed-undo

This will undo the recent seed. To undo all seeds we have to run this:

npm run seed-undo-all

This will undo all seeds committed to the database.


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