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COD Barefoot Nomad Backend Development Server And DataBase Setup

COD Barefoot Nomad Server App

  • Express Server Setup & Connection ./src/app.js

COD Barefoot Nomad DataBase Connection

  • PostgreSQL Server Setup & Connection ./src/index.js


(For development):

Environment variables

  • Create a .env file and insert referring values as shown in .env.example
  • You can define many variables in .env as you wish but remember to include them in config/envConfig file to be validated on the start of application -New environment variables should also be stated in .env.example
  • In Your .env file NODE_ENV Variable should be equal to development
  • Add A Sample In .env.example For Any New Environment Variable Created

How To Initialize The App

  • Open Your Terminal & Run The Following Commands:
  • npm i
  • npm run dev
  • npm run dbMigrate

How To Add A New User:

  • Open your Browser and visit http://localhost:<port>/api-docs and try to register a new user on api/user/register by editing the default values given.
  • You will see a JSON reponse with emailToken and message on successful registration
  • You can also use Postman and do a POST request on http://localhost:<port>/api/user/register and post json data in the format

How To Add Assign a role to a user

  • Login to your account with your email and password (Super Administrator) to a valid token for authentication
  • Using Postman add http://localhost:<port>/api/v1/users/assignRole in the url
  • Pass the token in the authorization header as Bearer token
  • Do a post request with the data in the following format
  • rolename: The rolename as registered, check in migration file for role
  • user: The user id of super Administrator(received in the response when login);

Error handling in the application

  • Inside src/utils/errors has possible applications errors' handlers, you are free to use them and add your own whenever needed.

How to work with login

  • in the browser http://localhost:/api-docs/api/user/login and put in the input box the appropriate credentials which are email and password and execute, if the account the credentials are right and the account is verified you will get both the access token and refresh token and also the status(200) and the message saying "User logged in successfully". if the email is not right you get error with message "This email does not exist" with status 400. if the password is not correct you get error message "Invalid Password" with status 400 if you miss any credentials you get erro message "Invalid input" with status 400.

How refresh token work

  • Because access token has to expire in short time the refresh token which have longer life span will be used as token dedicated to only recreate new access token when the current one is expired.

  • to get the new access token you go in your browser and go to http://localhost:/api-docs/api/user/refresh and put in the input body the refreshTokenKey and you get the new access token and refresh token and the old one is expired and you get message sayin that "Access token created successfully" with status code of 200. If you use the expired refresh token or invalid token you get message "Invalid refresh token"with status code 400


  • To logout you have to be logged in and have access token in the authorization Headers. the logout function is used to delete the user from the loggedinuser database. when you provide wrong or expired access token you get error with message "Please log in" and error status code of 401. when you provide valid access token you get 204 status code. and you are now successfully logged out of session.

Reset Password (development)

  • To Request A Password Reset send a POST Request to http://localhost:<port>/api/v1/forgot-password using POSTMAN.
  • The Request Body should look like this:
  "email": ""
  • Check The Email address you should get a confirmation email with a reset password link.
  • When you click the link you will be redirected to a Route with a response that you should send a PATCH request to http://localhost:<port>/api/v1/reset-password?token={resetToken}
  • Open POSTMAN and send a PATCH request to http://localhost:<port>/api/v1/reset-password?token={resetToken}
  • The Request Body should look like this:
  "password": "password@123$%"
  • If Successful, you should see a json response similar to this one:
  status: 200,
  data: {
    Message: "Password Updated Successfully"


To like or unlike the accomodation means to add a like to like database with likeStatus= false or remove it from the database respectively.

  • To test this functionality you can use postman you have first to login as requestor because it is only a requester who can like the accomodation and go to Post method /api/v1/accomodation/:accomodation_id/like then if you have not liked the facilty you like it and you get 201 status code and message saying that you have succesfully liked that accomodation if you try to like the second time it becomes unlike and you get 200 status code and message saying that you have succesfully unliked a accomodation.
  • You can also test using swagger documentation by going to /api-docs and go to like the try out the click execute if you are logged in as requeste you get succesfully like the accomodation or unlike it.
  • You can also get all the likes of a specific accomodation by going to method get /api/v1/accomodation/:accomodation_id/like the you get all likes of an accomodation.


To dislike or undislike the accomodation means to add a like to like database with like Status= false or remove it from the database respectively.

  • To test this functionality you can use postman you have first to login as requestor because it is only a requester who can like the accomodation and go to Post method /api/v1/accomodation/:accomodation_id/dislike then if you have not liked the facilty you like it and you get 201 status code and message saying that you have succesfully liked that accomodation if you try to like the second time it becomes unlike and you get 200 status code and message saying that you have succesfully unliked an accomodation.
  • You can also test using swagger documentation by going to /api-docs and go to like the try out the click execute if you are logged in as requeste you get succesfully like the accomodation or unlike it.
  • You can also get all the likes of a specific accomodation by going to method get /api/v1/accomodation/:accomodation_id/dislike the you get all likes of an accomodation.

Rating accomodation

When you want to rate accomodation you use POST route of /v1/accommodations/:accomodationId/rating then you replace accomodationId with the id of specific accomodation id that already exist as accomodation and provide the number of rating which must be integer between 1-5 then if you are logged in you get message saying that you have succesfully added ratings on accomodation if you try it again it get update and get message saying that you have update the rating of accomdation. You can also get the rating of accomdation by using GET route /v1/accommodations/:accomodationId/rating then you also replace accomodationId with id of specific accomodation id then you get decimal number with one decimal place which is average of ratings of that accomdation. You can also get an array of number of ratings for each number that have been rated by using GET route /v1/accommodations/:accomodationId/getratings then put also the accomodation id then you get all classification of ratngs from 1-5. You can also use swagger to test arting by going to /api-docs then go to rating tag.


COD Barefoot Nomad Backend Development






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