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Numba @njittable MPI wrappers

  • covering: size/rank, send/recv, allreduce, bcast, scatter/gather & allgather, barrier and wtime
  • basic asynchronous communication with isend/irecv (only for contiguous arrays); for request handling including wait/waitall/waitany and test/testall/testany
  • not yet implemented: support for non-default communicators, ...
  • API based on NumPy and supporting numeric and character datatypes
  • auto-generated docstring-based API docs on the web:
  • pure-Python implementation with packages available at PyPI, Conda Forge and for Arch Linux
  • CI-tested on: Linux (MPICH, OpenMPI & Intel MPI), macOS (MPICH & OpenMPI) and Windows (MS MPI)

Hello world example:

import numba, numba_mpi, numpy

def hello():

  src = numpy.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.])
  dst_tst = numpy.empty_like(src)

  if numba_mpi.rank() == 0:
    numba_mpi.send(src, dest=1, tag=11)
  elif numba_mpi.rank() == 1:
    numba_mpi.recv(dst_tst, source=0, tag=11)


For information on MPI, see:


Development of numba-mpi has been supported by the Polish National Science Centre (grant no. 2020/39/D/ST10/01220).