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GraphBrew GAPBS

This repository contains the GAP Benchmarks Suite (GAPBS), modified to reorder graphs and improve cache performance on various graph algorithms.

Enhancements with Cache Friendly Graphs (Graph Brewing)

  • GraphBrew: Graph reordering (multi-layered) for improved cache performance.
  • Leiden Order: link Community clustering order with Louvian/refinement step.
  • Rabbit Order: link Community clustering order with incremental aggregation.
  • Degree-Based Grouping: link Implementing degree-based grouping strategies to test benchmark performance.
  • Gorder: link Window based ordering with reverse Cuthill-McKee (RCM) algorithm.
  • Corder: link Workload Balancing via Graph Reordering on Multicore Systems.

Segmentation for Scalable Graph Processing

  • Cagra: link1/link2 Integration of P-OPT/GraphIt-DSL segment graphs to improve locality.
  • Trust: link Graph partition for Triangle counting on large graph.

GAP Benchmarks

This project contains a collection of Graph Analytics for Performance (GAPBS) benchmarks implemented in C++. The benchmarks are designed to exercise the performance of graph algorithms on a CPU.

Key Algorithms

  • bc: Betweenness Centrality
  • bfs: Breadth-First Search (Direction Optimized)
  • cc: Connected Components (Afforest)
  • cc_sv: Connected Components (ShiloachVishkin)
  • pr: PageRank
  • pr_spmv: PageRank (using sparse matrix-vector multiplication)
  • sssp: Single-Source Shortest Paths
  • tc: Triangle Counting


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system, (section):

  • Ubuntu: All testing has been done on Ubuntu 22.04+ Operating System.
  • GCC: The GNU Compiler Collection, specifically g++9 which supports C++11 or later.
  • Make: The build utility to automate the compilation.
  • OpenMP: Support for parallel programming in C++.

Compile with RabbitOrder

  • Go to Makefile <line:8> make sure RABBIT_ENABLE = 1
# make RABBIT_ENABLE=1 // disables RabbitOrder dependencies
  • Boost C++ library (1.58.0).
  • libnuma (2.0.9).
  • libtcmalloc_minimal in google-perftools (2.1).

GraphBrew Experiment Configuration

Graphbrew can explore the impact of graph reordering techniques on the performance of various graph algorithms. The configuration for these experiments is specified in the scripts/<experiment-name>/ file.

Experiment Execution

  1. Test Experiment:
    • Use the make exp-test command. This will:
      • Execute the experiments as defined in the python script (scripts/test/, with smaller graphs.
      • Generate results (e.g., reorder time for each graph, average time for each algorithm) in the bench/results folder.
      • make clean-results will back up current results into bench/backup and delete bench/results for a new run.
      • Use this config for functional testing, to make sure all libraries are installed and GraphBrew is running -- not for performance evaluation.

GraphBrew Experiment

Point the downloaded graphs into any directory by updating BASE_DIR = "00_GraphDatasets/GBREW" in (scripts/<experiment-name>/

Download Graphs

  • Twitter (TWTR | 31.4GB | .mtx): A representation of the Twitter social network. link
  • Road network (RD | 628.4MB | .mtx): A road network from a specific geographic region. link
  • LiveJournal (SLJ1 | 1GB | .mtx): A social network from LiveJournal users. link
  • Patents (CPAT | 261.7MB | .mtx): A citation network of patents. link
  • Orkut (CORKT | 1.8GB | .mtx): A social network from Orkut. link
  • Pokec (SPKC | 424MB | .mtx): A social network from Pokec. link
  • Web graph (WEB01 | 18.5GB | .mtx): A crawl of a portion of the World Wide Web from 2001. link
  • Google Plus (GPLUS | 7.3GB | .wel): A social network from Google Plus (assume timestamps weights and filter out). link
  • Wikipedia Links (WIKLE | 6.7GB | .el): Links between Wikipedia pages in English. link

Rename the Graph

Rename each graph into the specified extension in the aforementioned list. For example, for the Twitter graph (Symbol: TWTR), rename the graph to graph.mtx and place it in the following directory structure:


Follow the same pattern for each graph, using their respective symbols and extensions. Here is the directory structure for each graph:

  • Twitter: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/TWTR/graph.mtx
  • Road network: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/RD/graph.mtx
  • LiveJournal: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/SLJ1/graph.mtx
  • Patents: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/CPAT/graph.mtx
  • Orkut: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/CORKT/graph.mtx
  • Pokec: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/SPKC/graph.mtx
  • Web graph: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/WEB01/graph.mtx
  • Google Plus: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/GPLUS/graph.wel
  • Wikipedia Links: 00_GraphDatasets/GBREW/WIKLE/graph.el

Ensure that you download the graphs, extract them if necessary, and place them in the corresponding directories with the correct file names and extensions.

Run GAPBS with GraphBrew:

  • Use the make exp-brew command. This will:
    • Execute the experiments as defined in the configuration file (scripts/brew/
    • Generate results (e.g., speedup graphs, overhead measurements) in the bench/results folder.

GraphBrew Standalone


Example Usage

  • To compile, run, and then clean up the betweenness centrality benchmark:
make all
make run-bc
make clean

Compiling a single Benchmarks

  • Where make <benchmark_name> can be bc, bfs, converter, etc.
make bc

Compiling the Benchmarks

  • To build all benchmarks:
make all

Running a single Benchmarks

  • To run a specific benchmark, use:
make run-<benchmark_name>
  • Where <benchmark_name> can be bc, bfs, converter, etc.
make run-bfs

Parameters Makefile

All parameters (section) can be passed through the Make command via:

  • RUN_PARAMS='-n1 -o11', for controlling aspects of the algorithm and reordering.
  • GRAPH_BENCH ='-f ./test/graphs/4.el',GRAPH_BENCH ='-g 4', for controlling the graph path, or kron/random generation.

Parameters Binary

All parameters (section) can be passed through the binary command via:

  • ./bench/bin/<benchmark_name> -f ./test/graphs/4.el -n1 -o11
  • ./bench/bin/<benchmark_name> -g 4 -n1 -o11

Relabeling the graph

  • converter is used to convert graphs and apply new labeling to them.
  • Please check converter parameters and pass them to RUN_PARAMS='-p ./graph_8.mtx -o 8'.
make run-converter GRAPH_BENCH='-f ./graph.<mtx|el|sg>' RUN_PARAMS='-p ./graph_8.mtx -o 8' 
./bench/bin/converter -f ./graph.<mtx|el|sg> -p ./graph_8.mtx -o 8


  • To run a benchmark with gdb:
make run-<benchmark_name>-gdb
  • To run a benchmark with memory checks (using valgrind):
make run-<benchmark_name>-mem

Clean up

  • To clean up all compiled files:
make clean
  • To clean up all compiled including results (backed up automatically in bench/backup) files:
make clean-all


  • To display help for a specific benchmark or for general usage:
make help-<benchmark_name>
make help

Generating Reordered Graphs


Use the make run-converter command to generate reordered graphs from input graph files. The converter supports various output formats, including serialized graphs, edge lists, Matrix Market exchange format, Ligra adjacency graph format, and reordered labels.

Command-Line Options

The CLConvert class provides several command-line options for generating different output formats. Here is a summary of the options:

  • -b file: Output serialized graph to file (.sg).
  • -e file: Output edge list to file (.el).
  • -p file: Output Matrix Market exchange format to file (.mtx).
  • -y file: Output in Ligra adjacency graph format to file (.ligra).
  • -w file: Make output weighted (.wel | .wsg| .wligra).
  • -x file: Output new reordered labels to file list (.so).
  • -q file: Output new reordered labels to file serialized (.lo).
  • -o order: Apply reordering strategy, optionally with a parameter (e.g., -o 3, -o 2, -o 14:mapping.label).

Example Usage

Step 1: Prepare the Input Graph Files

Make sure you have the input graph files (graph_1.<mtx|el|sg>) while specifying their paths correctly.

Step 2: Run the Converter

Use the make run-converter command with the appropriate GRAPH_BENCH and RUN_PARAMS values to generate the reordered graphs. Here is an example command:

make run-converter GRAPH_BENCH='-f ./graph.<mtx|el|sg>' RUN_PARAMS='-p ./graph_8.mtx -o 8' 

Step 3: Specify Output Formats

You can specify multiple output formats by combining the command-line options. Here is an example that generates multiple output formats:

make run-converter GRAPH_BENCH='-f ./graph.<mtx|el|sg>' RUN_PARAMS='-b -e graph.el -p graph.mtx -y graph.ligra -x -q labels.lo'

Step 4: Apply Reordering Strategy

To apply a reordering strategy on the newly generated graph, use the -o option. For example:

make run-converter GRAPH_BENCH='-f ./graph.<mtx|el|sg>' RUN_PARAMS='-p ./graph_3_2_14.mtx -o 3 -o 2 -o 14:mapping.<lo|so>'

Combining Multiple Output Formats and Reordering

You can generate multiple output formats and apply reordering in a single command. Here is an example:

make run-converter GRAPH_BENCH='-f ./graph.<mtx|el|sg>' RUN_PARAMS='-b -e graph_3.el -p graph_3.mtx -y graph_3.ligra -x -q labels_3.lo -o 3'

Graph Loading

All of the binaries use the same command-line options for loading graphs:

  • -g 20 generates a Kronecker graph with 2^20 vertices (Graph500 specifications)
  • -u 20 generates a uniform random graph with 2^20 vertices (degree 16)
  • -f graph.el loads graph from file graph.el
  • -sf graph.el symmetrizes graph loaded from file graph.el

The graph loading infrastructure understands the following formats:

The GraphBrew loading infrastructure understands the following formats for reordering labels:

  • -o 14:mapping.lo loads new reodering labels from file mapping.<lo|so> is also supported
  • .so reordered serialized labels list (.so) (use converter to make), node_id per line as node_label
  • .lo reordered plain-text labels list (.lo) (use converter to make), node_id per line as node_label

GraphBrew Parameters

All parameters can be passed through the make command via:

  • Reorder the graph, orders can be layered.
  • Segment the graph for scalability, requires modifying the algorithm to iterate through segments.
  • RUN_PARAMS='-n1 -o11', for controlling aspects of the algorithm and reordering.
  • GRAPH_BENCH ='-f ./test/graphs/4.el',GRAPH_BENCH ='-g 4', for controlling the graph path, or kron/random generation.

GAP Parameters (PageRank example)

make pr
 -h           : print this help message                                         
 -f <file>    : load graph from file                                            
 -s           : symmetrize input edge list                               [false]
 -g <scale>   : generate 2^scale kronecker graph                                
 -u <scale>   : generate 2^scale uniform-random graph                           
 -k <degree>  : average degree for synthetic graph                          [16]
 -m           : reduces memory usage during graph building               [false]
 -o <order>   : apply reordering strategy, optionally with a parameter 
               [example]-o 3 -o 2 -r 14:mapping.<lo|so>               [optional]
 -z <indegree>: use indegree for ordering [Degree Based Orderings]       [false]
 -j <segments>: number of segments for the graph 
               [type:n:m] <0:GRAPHIT/Cagra> <1:TRUST>                    [0:1:1]
 -a           : output analysis of last run                              [false]
 -n <n>       : perform n trials                                            [16]
 -r <node>    : start from node r                                         [rand]
 -v           : verify the output of each run                            [false]
 -l           : log performance within each trial                        [false]
 -i <i>       : perform at most i iterations                                [20]
 -t <t>       : use tolerance t                                       [0.000100]

Reorder Parameters

-o <order>   : Apply reordering strategy, optionally layer ordering 
               [example]-o 3 -o 2 -o 14:mapping.<lo|so>               [optional]

-j <segments>: number of segments for the graph 
               [type:n:m] <0:GRAPHIT/Cagra> <1:TRUST>   [0:1:1]

-z <indegree>: use indegree for ordering [Degree Based Orderings]        [false]
Reordering Algorithms:
  - ORIGINAL      (0):  No reordering applied.
  - RANDOM        (1):  Apply random reordering.
  - SORT          (2):  Apply sort-based reordering.
  - HUBSORT       (3):  Apply hub-based sorting.
  - HUBCLUSTER    (4):  Apply clustering based on hub scores.
  - DBG           (5):  Apply degree-based grouping.
  - HUBSORTDBG    (6):  Combine hub sorting with degree-based grouping.
  - HUBCLUSTERDBG (7):  Combine hub clustering with degree-based grouping.
  - RABBITORDER   (8):  Apply community clustering with incremental aggregation.
  - GORDER        (9):  Apply dynamic programming BFS and windowing ordering.
  - CORDER        (10): Workload Balancing via Graph Reordering on Multicore Systems.
  - RCM           (11): RCM is ordered by the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm (BFS).
  - LeidenOrder   (12): Apply Leiden community clustering with louvain with refinement.
  - GraphBrewOrder(13): Leiden community clustering with rabbit order refinement..
  - MAP           (14): Requires a file format for reordering. Use the -r 10:filename.label option.

Converter Parameters (Generate Optimized Graphs)

make help-converter
 -h          : print this help message                                         
 -f <file>   : load graph from file                                            
 -s          : symmetrize input edge list                                [false]
 -g <scale>  : generate 2^scale kronecker graph                                
 -u <scale>  : generate 2^scale uniform-random graph                           
 -k <degree> : average degree for synthetic graph                           [16]
 -m          : reduces memory usage during graph building                [false]
 -o <order>  : Apply reordering strategy, optionally layer ordering 
               [example]-o 3 -o 2 -o 14:mapping.<lo|so>               [optional]
 -z <indegree>: use indegree for ordering [Degree Based Orderings]       [false]
 -j <segments>: number of segments for the graph 
               [type:n:m] <0:GRAPHIT/Cagra> <1:TRUST>                    [0:1:1]
 -b <file>   : output serialized graph to file (.sg)                           
 -V <file>   : output edge list to file (.el)
 -e <file>   : output edge list csr structure individually to files(.out_degree/.out_offset..etc)
 -p <file>   : output matrix market exchange format to file (.mtx)
 -y <file>   : output in Ligra adjacency graph format to file (.ligra)                                      
 -w <file>   : make output weighted (.wel|.wsg)                                
 -x <file>   : output new reordered labels to file list (.so)                  
 -q <file>   : output new reordered labels to file serialized (.lo)    

Makefile Flow

available Make commands:
  all            - Builds all targets including GAP benchmarks (CPU)
  run-%          - Runs the specified GAP benchmark (bc bfs cc cc_sv pr pr_spmv sssp tc)
  help-%         - Print the specified Help (bc bfs cc cc_sv pr pr_spmv sssp tc)
  clean          - Removes all build artifacts
  help           - Displays this help message
Example Usage:
  make all - Compile the program.
  make clean - Clean build files.
  ./bench/bin/pr -g 15 -n 1 -o 14:mapping.lo - Execute with MAP reordering using 'mapping.<lo|so> '.

Modifying the Makefile

Compiler Setup

  • CC: The C compiler to be used, checks for gcc-9 first, if not found, falls back to gcc.
  • CXX: The C++ compiler to be used, checks for g++-9 first, if not found, falls back to g++.

Directory Structure

  • BIN_DIR: Directory for compiled binaries.
  • LIB_DIR: Library directory.
  • SRC_DIR: Source files directory.
  • INC_DIR: Include directory for header files.
  • OBJ_DIR: Object files directory.
  • SCRIPT_DIR: Scripts used for operations like graph processing.
  • BENCH_DIR: Benchmark directory.
  • CONFIG_DIR: Configuration files for scripts and full expriments in congif.json format.
  • RES_DIR: Directory where results are stored.
  • BACKUP_DIR: Directory for backups of results make clean-results. backsup results then cleans them.

Include Directories

  • INCLUDE_<LIBRARY>: Each variable specifies the path to header files for various libraries or modules.
  • INCLUDE_BOOST: Specifies the directory for Boost library headers.

Compiler and Linker Flags

  • CXXFLAGS: Compiler flags for C++ files, combining flags for different libraries and conditions.
  • LDLIBS: Linker flags specifying libraries to link against.
  • CXXFLAGS_<LIBRARY>: Specific compiler flags for various libraries/modules.
  • LDLIBS_<LIBRARY>: Specific linker flags for various libraries/modules.

Runtime and Execution

  • PARALLEL: Number of parallel threads.
  • FLUSH_CACHE: Whether or not to flush cache before running benchmarks.
  • GRAPH_BENCH: Command line arguments for specifying graph benchmarks.
  • RUN_PARAMS: General command line parameters for running benchmarks.

Makefile Targets

Primary Targets

  • all: Compiles all benchmarks.
  • clean: Removes binaries and intermediate files.
  • clean-all: Removes binaries, results, and intermediate files.
  • clean-results: Backs up and then cleans the results directory.
  • exp-%: Runs a specific experiment by replacing % with the experiment.json name. E.g., test.json.
  • run-%: Runs a specific benchmark by replacing % with the benchmark name. E.g., run-bfs.
  • run-%-gdb: Runs a specific benchmark under GDB.
  • run-%-mem: Runs a specific benchmark under Valgrind for memory leak checks.
  • run-all: Runs all benchmarks.
  • graph-%: Downloads necessary graphs for a specific benchmark at CONFIG_DIR.
  • help: Displays help for all benchmarks.

Compilation Rules

  • $(BIN_DIR)/%: Compiles a .cc source file into a binary, taking dependencies into account.

Directory Setup

  • $(BIN_DIR): Ensures the binary directory and required sub directories exist.


  • clean: Removes binaries and intermediate files.
  • clean-all: Removes binaries, results, and intermediate files.


  • help: Provides a generic help message about available commands.
  • help-%: Provides specific help for each benchmark command, detailing reordering algorithms and usage examples.

Project Structure

  • bench/bin: Executable is placed here.
  • bench/lib: Library files can be stored here (not used by default).
  • bench/src: Source code files (*.cc) for the benchmarks.
  • bench/obj : Object files are stored here (directory creation is handled but not used by default).
  • bench/include: Header files for the benchmarks and various include files for libraries such as GAPBS, RABBIT, etc.

Project Experiments

  • bench/results: experiment results from running exp-%.
  • bench/backups: experiment backup results from running clean-all or clean-results.

Installing Prerequisites (General)

  • These tools are available on most Unix-like operating systems and can be installed via your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can install them using:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ make libomp-dev

Installing Prerequisites (RabbitOrder)

  • Go to Makefile line:8 make sure RABBIT_ENABLE = 1
  • These made optional if you don't need Rabbit Order or running on machines where you can't install these libraries
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-perftools-dev
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-venv

Installing Boost 1.58.0

  1. First, navigate to your project directory

    • Download the desired Boost version boost_1_58_0:
cd ~
tar -zxvf boost_1_58_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_58_0
  • Determine the number of CPU cores available to optimize the compilation process:
cpuCores=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu cores" | uniq | awk '{print $NF}')
echo "Available CPU cores: $cpuCores"
  • Initialize the Boost installation script:
./ --prefix=/opt/boost_1_58_0 --with-python=python2.7 
  • Compile and install Boost using all available cores to speed up the process:
sudo ./b2 --with=all -j $cpuCores install
  1. Verify the Installation

    • After installation, verify that Boost has been installed correctly by checking the installed version:
cat /opt/boost_1_58_0/include/boost/version.hpp | grep "BOOST_LIB_VERSION"
  • The output should display the version of Boost you installed, like so:
//  BOOST_LIB_VERSION must be defined to be the same as BOOST_VERSION
#define BOOST_LIB_VERSION "1_58"

How to Cite

Please cite the following papers if you find this repository useful.

  • S. Beamer, K. Asanović, and D. Patterson, “The GAP Benchmark Suite,” arXiv:1508.03619 [cs], May 2017.
  • J. Arai, H. Shiokawa, T. Yamamuro, M. Onizuka, and S. Iwamura.Rabbit Order: Just-in-time Parallel Reordering for Fast Graph Analysis.
  • P. Faldu, J. Diamond, and B. Grot, “A Closer Look at Lightweight Graph Reordering,” arXiv:2001.08448 [cs], Jan. 2020.
  • V. Balaji, N. Crago, A. Jaleel, and B. Lucia, “P-OPT: Practical Optimal Cache Replacement for Graph Analytics,” in 2021 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), Feb. 2021, pp. 668–681. doi: 10.1109/HPCA51647.2021.00062.
  • Y. Zhang, V. Kiriansky, C. Mendis, S. Amarasinghe, and M. Zaharia, “Making caches work for graph analytics,” in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Dec. 2017, pp. 293–302. doi: 10.1109/BigData.2017.8257937.
  • Y. Zhang, M. Yang, R. Baghdadi, S. Kamil, J. Shun, and S. Amarasinghe, “GraphIt: a high-performance graph DSL,” Proc. ACM Program. Lang., vol. 2, no. OOPSLA, p. 121:1-121:30, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1145/3276491.
  • H. Wei, J. X. Yu, C. Lu, and X. Lin, “Speedup Graph Processing by Graph Ordering,” New York, NY, USA, Jun. 2016, pp. 1813–1828. doi: 10.1145/2882903.2915220.
  • Y. Chen and Y.-C. Chung, “Workload Balancing via Graph Reordering on Multicore Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021.
  • A. George and J. W. H. Liu, Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Systems. Prentice-Hall, 1981
  • S. Sahu, “GVE-Leiden: Fast Leiden Algorithm for Community Detection in Shared Memory Setting.” arXiv, Mar. 28, 2024. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2312.13936.
  • V. A. Traag, L. Waltman, and N. J. van Eck, “From Louvain to Leiden: guaranteeing well-connected communities,” Sci Rep, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 5233, Mar. 2019, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41695-z.