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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined #830

capriel opened this issue Mar 18, 2017 · 29 comments

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined #830

capriel opened this issue Mar 18, 2017 · 29 comments


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capriel commented Mar 18, 2017

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.15.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.13
OS: Mac OS X 10.10.5
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.0

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /Users/coca/.atom/packages/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:332

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/packages/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:332:48)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/app.asar/src/view-registry.js:223:9)
    at /app.asar/src/view-registry.js:3:59


  2x -1:34.4.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
  3x -1:33.5.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -1:30.6.0 snippets:next-tab-stop (input.hidden-input)
     -1:30.6.0 snippets:expand (input.hidden-input)
     -1:30.6.0 editor:indent (input.hidden-input)
  2x -1:24.4.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -1:21.9.0 core:move-right (input.hidden-input)
     -1:07.9.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
     -0:10.9.0 core:move-right (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

aligner-ruby 1.5.0 
atom-bootstrap3 1.2.12 
autoclose-html 0.23.0 
autocomplete 0.47.0 
autocomplete-html-entities 0.1.0 
autocomplete-modules 1.6.8 
autocomplete-ruby 0.2.6 
block-comment 0.4.3 
busy-signal 1.3.0 
intentions 1.1.2 
linter 2.1.0 
linter-rubocop 1.1.1 
linter-ruby 1.2.5 
linter-ui-default 1.2.1 
platformio-ide-terminal 2.5.0 
rubocop-auto-correct 1.5.1 
ruby-block 0.3.6 
ruby-test 1.0.1 
Copy link

50Wliu commented Mar 19, 2017

Hi @capriel, what were you doing when this error occurred?

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I had this error this morning. Any solution?

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50Wliu commented Mar 24, 2017

@bnanchen It would help if you could answer my questions above.

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@50Wliu the error occurred when I opened a C++ project in atom.

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Ben3eeE commented Apr 5, 2017

I ran into this issue, outside of safe mode, when changing style="left:-42px" to style="left:258px" of a select. Can not reproduce it when trying.
@joefitzgerald Do you have any idea why this would happen?

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[Enter steps to reproduce:]

I am not able to reproduce this error.

What I did was:

  1. opened a ruby test file
  2. entered qwe + Tab (a shortcut to create a new test)

Atom: 1.17.0-beta4 x64
Electron: 1.3.15
OS: Ubuntu 14.04.2
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.3

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom-beta/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom-beta/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:1)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom-beta/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:227:1)
    at /usr/share/atom-beta/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:1


     -2:57 fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder (input.hidden-input)
     -2:51.3.0 core:confirm (input.hidden-input)
     -2:26.1.0 tabs:split-right (div.title.icon.test-ruby-icon.medium-red)
     -2:24.2.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -2:23.6.0 tree-view:toggle (input.hidden-input)
     -2:16.4.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -2:16.2.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
     -1:36.4.0 core:move-right (input.hidden-input)
     -1:36.2.0 core:move-up (input.hidden-input)
     -1:36 core:select-down (input.hidden-input)
     -1:35.7.0 core:delete (input.hidden-input)
     -1:33.2.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -1:32.8.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
  2x -0:55.9.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -0:54.7.0 autocomplete-plus:confirm (input.hidden-input)
     -0:54.7.0 snippets:expand (

Non-Core Packages

atom-material-syntax 1.0.2 
atom-material-syntax-dark 0.2.7 
atom-material-ui 2.0.3 
autocomplete-emojis 2.5.0 
busy-signal 1.4.1 
code-peek 1.4.18 
color-picker 2.2.5 
file-icons 2.1.4 
git-plus 7.8.0 
git-tab-status 1.9.2 
git-time-machine 1.5.9 
highlight-line 0.12.0 
highlight-selected 0.13.1 
intentions 1.1.2 
language-docker 1.1.7 
language-haml 0.24.1 
linter 2.1.4 
linter-docker 0.2.0 
linter-haml 2.0.1 
linter-rubocop 2.1.1 
linter-ui-default 1.3.0 
markdown-scroll-sync 2.1.2 
merge-conflicts 1.4.4 
minimap 4.28.2 
minimap-git-diff 4.3.1 
nord-atom-syntax 0.9.1 
project-manager 3.3.4 
rails-transporter 1.6.5 
railscast-theme 0.3.0 

Copy link

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

I couldn't cause this error again.

Atom: 1.17.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.15
OS: Debian GNU/Linux
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.3

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:1)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:227:1)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:1


     -1:40.6.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
     -1:12.2.0 core:move-right (input.hidden-input)
     -1:11.8.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -1:10.2.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
  4x -1:09.9.0 core:move-down (input.hidden-input)
     -1:06.6.0 snippets:next-tab-stop (input.hidden-input)
     -1:06.6.0 snippets:expand (input.hidden-input)
     -1:06.6.0 editor:indent (input.hidden-input)
  2x -1:03.5.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -1:02.3.0 snippets:next-tab-stop (input.hidden-input)
     -1:02.3.0 snippets:expand (input.hidden-input)
     -1:02.3.0 editor:indent (input.hidden-input)
  2x -1:01.2.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -1:00.2.0 snippets:next-tab-stop (input.hidden-input)
     -1:00.2.0 snippets:expand (input.hidden-input)
     -1:00.2.0 editor:indent (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

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BlaM commented May 25, 2017

This error just appeared here in my PHP source file when I entered "if (" (closing bracket was automatically added by Atom).

I can't reproduce, though. I removed the line and when I try to repeat the error does not pop up again. On the developer console I see that error as being located in <embedded>:150926 - but I guess that does not help?

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I also got this error. I was changing the name of a Python class (closed source so can't release). Essentially, the class was already defined like this:

class SomeController(ControllerBase):
    def __ini__(self): # ...

I had my cursor at the start of SomeController then (with vim-mode) I pressed 'cw' to Change Word, which deleted the SomeController portion with my cursor at the position of the carrot here:


class ^SomeController(ControllerBase):
    def __ini__(self): # ...

Type 'cw' (vim mode):

class ^(ControllerBase):
    def __ini__(self): # ...

I started to type the new class name:

class Anot^(ControllerBase):
    def __ini__(self): # ...

And received this error after typing a few characters. As with others, I can't seem to reproduce this a second time. Error report below. If I find a way to reproduce, I'll comment again with instructions.

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.17.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.15
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.3

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:1)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:227:1)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:1


  9x -4:46.2.0 vim-mode-plus:move-down (input.hidden-input)
     -4:44.9.0 vim-mode-plus:insert-below-with-newline (input.hidden-input)
     -4:44.7.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -4:31.7.0 vim-mode-plus:reset-normal-mode (input.hidden-input)
     -4:30.4.0 vim-mode-plus:activate-linewise-visual-mode (input.hidden-input)
undefined -4:30.2.0 vim-mode-plus:move-down (input.hidden-input)
  6x -4:22.8.0 vim-mode-plus:move-up (input.hidden-input)
     -4:21.7.0 vim-mode-plus:yank (input.hidden-input)
     -4:20.7.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -4:20.5.0 window:focus-pane-on-left (input.hidden-input)
     -4:19.7.0 vim-mode-plus:activate-normal-mode (input.hidden-input)
     -4:19.4.0 vim-mode-plus:put-after (input.hidden-input)
  7x -4:18.1.0 vim-mode-plus:move-right (input.hidden-input)
     -4:17 vim-mode-plus:move-left (input.hidden-input)
     -4:11.5.0 vim-mode-plus:change (input.hidden-input)
     -4:11.5.0 vim-mode-plus:move-to-next-word (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

activate-power-mode 1.4.0 
angularjs 0.4.0 
atomic-chrome 0.3.0 
autocomplete-python 1.8.63 
busy-signal 1.4.1 
coffee-compile 0.26.0 
file-icons 2.1.6 
file-watcher 1.1.0 
git-plus 7.9.2 
git-time-machine 1.5.9 
highlight-selected 0.13.1 
intentions 1.1.2 
language-mongodb 0.3.1 
language-tcl 0.1.2 
linter 2.1.4 
linter-bootlint 1.0.4 
linter-coffeelint 1.2.1 
linter-jshint 3.1.2 
linter-pycodestyle 2.0.2 
linter-pylint 2.1.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.0 
markdown-format 2.5.1 
markdown-pdf 1.5.0 
minimap 4.28.2 
minimap-find-and-replace 4.5.2 
minimap-git-diff 4.3.1 
minimap-highlight-selected 4.6.1 
minimap-linter 2.0.0 
minimap-selection 4.4.0 
minimap-titles 1.11.0 
pigments 0.39.1 
script 3.15.0 
vim-mode-plus 0.93.0 
vim-mode-plus-ex-mode 0.9.1 

Copy link

I had intended to provide a reproduction of this but the weekend came and I forgot what actions I did in the file I was in to reproduce the error. That said, I do recall that by closing out of Atom completely (not just the file) and re-opening the editor, and re-do'ing what had initially caused the error would in fact reproduce the error. Closing just the file, or using Undo/Redo would NOT reproduce the error.

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Hi! I wasn't having this bug until I installed the package Narrow.
Just after installing Narrow, when I do a search this error appears.
Maybe that can help somebody to reproduce the error.
All my packages are up to date except Narrow that the last version is no compatible with the last version of ATOM.

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Neobugu commented Jul 6, 2017

I just saved my file... ._.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (C:\Users\ERANGEL\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.18.0\resources\app\node_modules\autocomplete-plus\lib\suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (C:\Users\ERANGEL\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.18.0\resources\app\src\view-registry.js:227:15)
at C:\Users\ERANGEL\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.18.0\resources\app\src\view-registry.js:3:65

Copy link

I just launch atom:

Atom: 1.18.0 x64
Electron: 1.4.16
OS: "Arch Linux"
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.4

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/lib/atom/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:332

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/lib/atom/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:332:48)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/lib/atom/src/view-registry.js:227:9)
    at /usr/lib/atom/src/view-registry.js:3:59


     -0:25.6.0 tree-view:show (atom-workspace.workspace.scrollbars-visible-always)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.3 
atom-typescript 11.0.6 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
editorconfig 2.2.2 
file-icons 2.1.8 
intentions 1.1.2 
language-babel 2.66.1 
language-haskell 1.12.1 
language-rust 0.4.11 
language-tex 0.4.0 
lines 0.13.1 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-clang 4.1.1 
linter-eslint 8.2.1 
linter-php 1.3.2 
linter-rust 0.8.0 
linter-scss-lint 3.1.0 
linter-tslint 1.6.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.2 
pigments 0.39.1 
react-snippets 0.8.0 

Copy link

It happened a second time!

Atom: 1.18.0 x64
Electron: 1.4.16
OS: "Arch Linux"
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.4

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/lib/atom/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:332

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/lib/atom/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:332:48)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/lib/atom/src/view-registry.js:227:9)
    at /usr/lib/atom/src/view-registry.js:3:59


     -3:44.2.0 core:move-left (input.hidden-input)
     -3:44 snippets:next-tab-stop (input.hidden-input)
     -3:44 snippets:expand (input.hidden-input)
     -3:43.9.0 editor:indent (input.hidden-input)
     -3:31.2.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -3:30.8.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
     -3:26.6.0 snippets:previous-tab-stop (input.hidden-input)
     -3:26.6.0 editor:outdent-selected-rows (input.hidden-input)
     -3:24.4.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -3:23.7.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -3:23.5.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
  2x -3:21.7.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -3:19.5.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -3:19.3.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
     -0:10.8.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
  3x -0:08.6.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.3 
atom-typescript 11.0.6 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
editorconfig 2.2.2 
file-icons 2.1.8 
intentions 1.1.2 
language-babel 2.66.1 
language-haskell 1.12.1 
language-rust 0.4.11 
language-tex 0.4.0 
lines 0.13.1 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-clang 4.1.1 
linter-eslint 8.2.1 
linter-php 1.3.2 
linter-rust 0.8.0 
linter-scss-lint 3.1.0 
linter-tslint 1.6.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.2 
pigments 0.39.1 
react-snippets 0.8.0 

Copy link

jrial commented Jul 18, 2017

In my case, I just restarted Atom due to an update of minimap-linter, and then started rewriting a comment in my Python code when I got this error. I wrote the comment prior to the restart, and didn't have issues.

Just like all the others, I can not reproduce the error (haven't tried restarting though).

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.18.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.15
OS: Linux Mint
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.4

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:227:15)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


 28x -2:45.5.0 core:select-left (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.4 
atom-cli-diff 1.9.0 
atom-django 0.3.2 
atom-meld 0.3.5 
atom-python-virtualenv 0.14.0 
atom-transpose 0.3.4 
autocomplete-python 1.9.1 
blame 0.12.0 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
custom-title 1.0.1 
data-atom 0.25.2 
DjangoRAD 0.0.1 
emmet 2.4.3 
emmet-snippets-compatibility 1.0.6 
file-watcher 1.1.0 
git-plus 7.9.3 
git-time-machine 1.5.9 
hyperclick 0.1.2 
indent-guide-improved 1.4.12 
intentions 1.1.2 
language-django 0.1.1 
language-nginx 0.8.0 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-pycodestyle 2.0.2 
linter-pylint 2.1.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.2 
local-history 4.3.0 
merge-conflicts 1.4.5 
minimap 4.28.3 
minimap-linter 2.0.2 
monokai 0.24.0 
open-html-in-browser 0.1.0 
open-terminal-here 2.3.1 
persistent-undo 1.2.0 
project-manager 3.3.5 
python-tools 0.6.9 
selection-highlight 0.1.6 
sort-lines 0.14.0 
symbols-tree-view 0.14.0 
tag 0.5.0 
termination 0.5.1 
up2date 0.1.2 
Zen 0.18.0 

Copy link

exil0867 commented Aug 8, 2017

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

it happened randomly

Atom: 1.18.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.15
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.4

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:227:15)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


     -0:26.7.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -0:26.5.0 tasks:add (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.4 
atom-monokai 0.10.9 
autoprefixer 3.7.1 
emmet 2.4.3 
monokai 0.24.0 
monokai-seti 0.9.0 
pigments 0.39.1 
seti-ui 1.9.0 
seti-ui-beta 0.1.1 
tasks 2.6.6 
wakatime 7.0.3 


i got the error while editing a .todo file with tasks 2.6.6 package.

Copy link

wabudd1 commented Aug 9, 2017

I just got the error while editing a .VBA file. I placed my cursor with my mouse at the end of a line that reads:

Dim mode As String

I then pressed [Enter] and began to type Dim . I believe the error occurred when I pressed the m in Dim

This was the first time I had began typing something since launching the application after a reboot.

Atom: 1.19.0 ia32
Electron: 1.6.9
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.5

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At C:\Users\vhacpabuddew\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.19.0\resources\app\node_modules\autocomplete-plus\lib\suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.19.0/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.19.0/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:191:15)
    at ~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.19.0/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


     -3:31.3.0 markdown-writer:insert-new-line (input.hidden-input)
     -3:23.9.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -3:04.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -3:03.9.0 editor:delete-to-beginning-of-word (input.hidden-input)
     -2:57.6.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.4 
atom-clock 0.1.13 
atom-easy-jsdoc 4.12.1 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
file-icons 2.1.10 
git-time-machine 1.5.9 
intentions 1.1.5 
language-powershell 4.0.0 
language-vbscript 0.9.0 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-jshint 3.1.5 
linter-ui-default 1.6.3 
markdown-writer 2.6.5 
minimap 4.29.3 
pretty-json 1.6.4 
set-syntax 0.3.2 
split-diff 1.4.3 
sync-settings 0.8.2 

Copy link

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.18.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.15
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.4

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:227:15)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


     -0:49.8.0 emmet:insert-formatted-line-break-only (input.hidden-input)
     -0:49.6.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.5 
atom-monokai 0.10.9 
autoprefixer 3.7.1 
emmet 2.4.3 
monokai 0.24.0 
monokai-seti 0.9.0 
pigments 0.39.1 
seti-ui 1.9.0 
seti-ui-beta 0.1.1 
tasks 2.6.6 
wakatime 7.0.3 

Copy link

@50Wliu I think you can remove the tag needs-reproduction 😉?

Copy link

cirqlar commented Aug 18, 2017

Got this error after opening up atom and starting to add a gem to my gemfile.
The error occurred when I was about here I think with my cursor where the caret is. (Atom added the trailing ' )

gem 'sim^'

EDIT: When redoing what I did the first time, I don't get the error.
[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.17.0 x64
Electron: 1.3.15
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.3

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:1)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:227:1)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:1


     -3:47.8.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -3:12.9.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -3:10.4.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.5 
atom-ternjs 0.18.3 
atom-typescript 11.0.6 
autocomplete-python 1.10.1 
autocomplete-ruby 0.2.8 
autoprefixer 3.7.1 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
emmet 2.4.3 
intentions 1.1.5 
language-haml 0.25.1 
language-scala 1.1.9 
language-scala-plus 1.2.2 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.4 
minimap 4.29.6 
rails-partials 0.9.2 
spacegray-light-neue-ui 0.1.7 

Copy link

50Wliu commented Aug 19, 2017

@yvan-sraka we generally do not remove the needs-reproduction tag until either a) a member of the Atom team is able to consistently reproduce the issue, or b) all of the reported reproduction steps are similar in nature.

Neither of those two have happened here: we haven't been able to find a consistent reproduction case outside of safe mode, and there hasn't been anything in common from the steps to reproduce thus far.

Copy link

Cxarli commented Aug 29, 2017

  1. Open a file
  2. Write a line

Atom: 1.19.4 x64
Electron: 1.6.9
OS: "Arch Linux"
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.5

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:191:15)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


     -1:11.3.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -1:10 core:move-left (input.hidden-input)
     -1:08.7.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -1:08.6.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-material-syntax-dark 1.0.0 
atom-material-ui 2.0.4 
atom-typescript 11.0.7 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
highlight-selected 0.13.1 
intentions 1.1.5 
language-latex 1.1.1 
language-pug 0.0.21 
language-rust 0.4.12 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-coffeelint 1.3.1 
linter-gcc 0.7.1 
linter-jshint 3.1.5 
linter-jsonlint 1.3.0 
linter-pug 1.3.1 
linter-pycodestyle 2.1.3 
linter-rust 0.8.0 
linter-sass-lint 1.7.6 
linter-tslint 1.7.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.8 
markdown-preview-plus 2.4.10 
minimap 4.29.6 
minimap-cursorline 0.2.0 
minimap-find-and-replace 4.5.2 
minimap-git-diff 4.3.1 
minimap-highlight-selected 4.6.1 
minimap-linter 2.0.2 
minimap-pigments 0.2.2 
pdf-view 0.59.0 
pigments 0.40.2 
racer 0.20.0 
seti-icons 1.5.4 

Copy link

Hi, I just got this error when opening up Atom this morning.

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. Open Atom
  2. Maybe try to run LOVE?

Atom: 1.20.0 x64
Electron: 1.6.9
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.7

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At C:\Users\myoga\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.20.0\resources\app\node_modules\autocomplete-plus\lib\suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.20.0/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.20.0/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:191:15)
    at ~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.20.0/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


     -1:12.1.0 core:move-up (input.hidden-input)
     -1:11.9.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
  2x -1:11.8.0 editor:move-to-end-of-word (input.hidden-input)
     -1:09.7.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -1:09.2.0 snippets:previous-tab-stop (input.hidden-input)
     -1:09.2.0 editor:outdent-selected-rows (input.hidden-input)
  2x -1:07.5.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -0:47.4.0 autocomplete-plus:confirm (input.hidden-input)
     -0:46.4.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -0:43.5.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -0:35.1.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -0:35 core:save (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

autocomplete-glsl 0.2.3 
autocomplete-love 0.4.0 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
hyperclick 0.1.5 
hyperclick-love 0.6.0 
intentions 1.1.5 
language-glsl 2.0.1 
language-lua 0.9.11 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-luaparse 0.2.0 
linter-ui-default 1.6.10 
love-ide 0.17.0 
tool-bar 1.1.0 

Copy link

this happened to me when I typed

// TODO:
into a javascript file I had open

Copy link

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. Just type anywhere in a file, no matter what kind

Only disbling autocomplete plus works. Also text is randomly missing after this bug and you cant sees what you type, so Atom is useless then, because you are writing blind.

Atom: 1.20.0 x64
Electron: 1.6.9
OS: Ubuntu 17.04
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.7

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:191:15)
    at /usr/share/atom/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


  2x -8:01.7.0 core:delete (input.hidden-input)
     -7:57.6.0 intentions:highlight (input.hidden-input)
     -7:57.2.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
     -2:46.5.0 docblockr:parse-enter (input.hidden-input)
     -2:46.5.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
     -2:46.3.0 docblockr:parse-enter (input.hidden-input)
     -2:46.3.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
  4x -2:22.6.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -1:46.6.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

aligner-php 1.2.0 
atom-beautify 0.30.5 
atom-bootstrap3 1.2.12 
atom-bootstrap4 1.4.0 
atom-clock 0.1.15 
atom-css-comb 3.3.1 
atom-material-syntax 1.0.6 
atom-material-ui 2.0.4 
atom-panda-syntax 0.18.0 
atom-react-autocomplete 0.1.10 
atom-react-snippets 0.2.2 
atom-runner 2.7.1 
atom-ternjs 0.18.3 
atom-typescript 11.0.9 
autoclose-html 0.23.0 
autocomplete-cmake 0.3.1 
autocomplete-html-entities 0.1.0 
autocomplete-java 1.2.7 
autocomplete-json 5.5.0 
autocomplete-oracle 1.4.2 
autocomplete-python 1.10.3 
autocomplete-ruby 0.2.8 
autocomplete-xml 0.9.4 
busy-signal 1.4.3 
color-picker 2.2.5 
comment 0.6.1 
cucumber 0.6.0 
cucumber-step 0.2.0 
docblockr 0.11.0 
docker 0.8.0 
editor-stats 0.17.0 
editorconfig 2.2.2 
emmet 2.4.3 
file-icons 2.1.12 
gcc-make-run 0.2.12 
git-control 0.9.0 
git-plus 7.9.3 
goto-definition 1.3.4 
highlight-selected 0.13.1 
hyperclick 0.1.5 
intentions 1.1.5 
language-docker 1.1.8 
language-haml 0.25.1 
language-javascript-jsx 0.3.7 
language-julia 0.12.0 
language-opencl 0.1.1 
language-oracle 1.8.0 
language-r 0.4.2 
language-rspec 0.6.3 
line-ending-converter 1.3.2 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-coffeelint 1.3.1 
linter-csslint 2.0.0 
linter-gcc 0.7.1 
linter-haml 2.0.2 
linter-htmlhint 1.3.3 
linter-js-yaml 1.2.7 
linter-jshint 3.1.5 
linter-lintr 1.1.4 
linter-rubocop 2.1.1 
linter-ruby 1.2.6 
linter-scss-lint 3.1.1 
linter-tidy 2.3.1 
linter-ui-default 1.6.10 
merge-conflicts 1.4.5 
minimap 4.29.7 
minimap-git-diff 4.3.1 
minimap-highlight-selected 4.6.1 
minimap-pigments 0.2.2 
multi-cursor 2.1.5 
nord-atom-syntax 0.9.1 
nord-atom-ui 0.11.0 
omnisharp-atom 0.31.2 
php-cs-fixer 4.1.1 
php-integrator-annotations 1.2.0 
php-integrator-autocomplete-plus 1.6.0 
php-integrator-base 3.0.1 
php-integrator-navigation 1.2.1 
php-integrator-refactoring 1.4.1 
php-integrator-symbol-viewer 0.6.4 
php-refactoring 1.4.0 
pigments 0.40.2 
platformio-ide-terminal 2.6.0 
project-manager 3.3.5 
react-snippets 0.9.0 
rest-client 1.3.1 
ruby-block 0.3.6 
ruby-bundler 0.3.0 
ruby-navigator 0.5.0 
ruby-test 1.0.2 
smart-tags 0.1.5 
symbol-gen 1.3.1 
sync-settings 0.8.3 
todo-show 2.0.0 
transformador 0.0.6 
tree-view-git-status 1.4.0 
wordpress-dictionary 4.4.0 

Copy link

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Its kinda impossible to reproduce since it happens randomly, however most of the time it happens when i'm editing a *.todo file.

Atom: 1.20.1 x64
Electron: 1.6.9
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.7

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At C:\Users\ExillustX\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.20.1\resources\app\node_modules\autocomplete-plus\lib\suggestion-list-element.js:337

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.20.1/resources/app/node_modules/autocomplete-plus/lib/suggestion-list-element.js:337:54)
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.20.1/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:191:15)
    at ~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.20.1/resources/app/src/view-registry.js:3:65


  2x -1:06.7.0 core:confirm (input.hidden-input)
     -0:58.4.0 core:move-right (input.hidden-input)
  2x -0:58.1.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -0:57.3.0 core:move-down (input.hidden-input)
     -0:57 core:move-right (input.hidden-input)
  2x -0:56.7.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
     -0:55.5.0 core:save (input.hidden-input)
     -0:23 tasks:add (input.hidden-input)
  2x -0:20.2.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

atom-beautify 0.30.5 
atom-material-syntax 1.0.6 
atom-material-syntax-dark 1.0.0 
autoprefixer 3.7.1 
comment-headers 2.15.0 
dash-syntax 0.4.0 
dash-ui 0.4.3 
docblockr 0.11.0 
emmet 2.4.3 
monokai-seti 0.9.0 
pigments 0.40.2 
seti-syntax 1.1.3 
seti-ui 1.9.0 
tasks 2.6.7 
wakatime 7.0.3 

Copy link

This error happened to me, when I just started a python script with a "import sys"

Slack Trace:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (C:\Users\Accer\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.20.1\resources\app\node_modules\autocomplete-plus\lib\suggestion-list-element.js:337:54) at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (C:\Users\Accer\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.20.1\resources\app\src\view-registry.js:191:15) at C:\Users\Accer\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.20.1\resources\app\src\view-registry.js:3:65

Copy link

I encountered the issue when I started typing while Atom was lagging just after a workspace transition on Mac OS. It's a common symptom on my laptop that windows can take a moment to 'wake up' after being off screen for an extended period, and I imagine if it's related to the window manager then something could gitch during that period.

Atom: 1.20.1 x64
Electron: 1.6.9
OS: Mac OS X 10.12.4
Thrown From: autocomplete-plus package 2.35.7

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined

At /Applications/

TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined
    at SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOM (/Applications/
    at ViewRegistry.module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdate (/Applications/
    at /Applications/


 10x -7:44.3.0 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
  6x -7:31.3.0 core:move-up (input.hidden-input)
     -7:30.5.0 core:paste (input.hidden-input)

Non-Core Packages

Copy link

50Wliu commented Oct 3, 2017

There's a null check for this now in #895, so this exception should no longer occur.

@50Wliu 50Wliu closed this as completed Oct 3, 2017
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