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Selenium Testing framework

What is this?

Seletest combines Selenium, TestNG, Docker, Selendroid, and BrowerMobProxy so you can create automated browser tests with ease. Seletest can also update JIRA tickets based on Test results and update slack, completely automated. The Seletest framework is designed to allow testers to begin scripting automated tests quickly without having to set up test reporting alongside selenium. Seletest supports dockerised testing (if docker is installed), network traffic capture with BrowserMobProxy, and mobile web testing with Selendroid. Example tests can be found in src.tests Seletest comes with a slackbot to update a slack channel with your test results

How do I use it?

Initial Setup

Clone this repo and run the following commands

createGradleWrapper (If gradle is not already on your classpath) gradle clean build
gradle eclipse (If using Eclipse, recommended)
gradle idea (If using IntelliJ IDEA)

Now just import the project in to your IDE of choice

Custom settings and Properties

The settings.txt file is used to pass custom settings to the test. This is where you should enter test usernames, test passwords and environment names etc.... The Properties file should contain all the data required to run the tests. Test usernames, passwords and environments should be updated here from the settings file. The settings file should be written in the following format:

Update jira toggle  
Take screenshot on fail toggle  
Name of test Suite  
Update Slack Toggle  

And here is an example settings.txt

Yes Update Jira  
Yes Screenshot  
No Update Slack  

Also populate all the required URLs for starting browser and assert pages. If using JIRA or Slack, you will want to add the URL and/or webhook API details for the relevant instances. This should be done in /src/common/


You are now ready to script tests. Example tests have been included in the src/tests folder. Note, the preferred way to click a web element is to use

CommonFunctions.clickElement(driver, "cssSelector of element");

This can be used to select by name/id/value etc... in the following form for maximum flexibility

CommonFunctions.clickElement(driver, "[id='elementID']");

Supported Browsers

The following table shows browser support for Standard (Tests using BrowserBasePage), Docker (tests using DockerBasePage), and Proxy (tests using ProxyBasePage).

Browser Standard Docker Proxy
Chrome Yes Yes No
Firefox Yes Yes Yes
Internet Explorer Yes No No
PhantomJS Yes No No
HTML Unit Yes No No

To change browsers, edit the 4th Line of the settings file.

Dockerized Testing

Seletest supports testing inside of docker containers. If you are testing on Mac, Windows or Linux, please refer to the indvidual documentation at . For Mac and Windows users, the script can be run to download a boot2docker iso and run the image on virtualbox to spin up docker images inside containers. Linux users with docker installed will be able to user docker-compose.yml file directly to spin up the images. By default, the docker-compose.yml will run a Selenium Hub at port 4444, along with two attached Chrome and Firefox debug nodes. Debug nodes come with a VNC server inside and therefore

To run tests inside the containers, the DockerBasePage can be extended. Note the containers must be running before the tests begin. Also note that the DOCKER_SELENIUM_URL may need to be changed based upon whether you are using docker natively or with boot2docker.

parallelized Docker

Another feature of using docker containers to run tests is running tests in parallel in different containers. E.g. run tests in Firefox and Chrome simultaneously. This is configured using TestNGParallel.xml with test/ . Check out those files for more information.


  • Use the CommonFunctions functions over the standard Selenium functions. If a functions does not exist in CommonFunctions, add it and then submit it to this project!
  • Remove all hardcoded data from tests and keep it in properties.
  • Currently only Chrome is supported. To add other browsers, add the drivers to the WebDrivers folder and update the properties file.
  • Build your test methods in CommonMethods and build tests in pieces. This allows for maintable tests and fast scripting of complex E2E tests
  • If using Docker or Selendroid to run tests, make sure you have any required docker installed and/or that you have a real or emulated android device running.
  • The script can be used to start up a dockerised selenium grid running chrome and firefox images
  • Be aware that BrowserMobProxy tests will not work if there is a downstream VPN.


Automated testing in Java







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