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Atomico Atomico

Hi, I'm @uppercod, creator of Atomico and I want to thank you for starting with Atomico.

If you need help you can find it at:

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Now what you have installed is a quick start kit based on Vite, which you can scale for your project, now to continue you must execute the following commands:

  1. npm install
  2. npm start : Initialize the development server
  3. npm build : Optional, Generate a build of your project from the html file index.html.

Todo with TSX(Typescript)

This is a small Todo created with Atomico that will allow you to know how it is with TSX(Typescript), I hope that with these examples you will understand:

  1. Create components with effects on forms: it is normal that when starting with webcomponents you cannot reflect your events to forms, in this example I show you how to solve this in an elegant way.
  2. Design token: The design tokens are the variables of a design system, in this example I show you how to carry the token design in a sustainable way and without global conflicts.
  3. Bases for developing components and applications with Atomico: although the example is a small whole, with the use of Atomico types, communication through events and the use of forms.


  |- todo # Groups all components
  |- todo-header # announces the creation of a task
  |- todo-task # shows the task and its status
  |- todo-footer # filter tasks
  |- button
  |- checkbox
  |- input
  |- tab