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Asumptions & Limitations

  • A moderately modern linux (Centos 7.2 tested).
  • Standard lanuage features are sufficiently well tested to not benefit from additional test here.
  • Datasets are located in the same directory.
  • Datasets consist of an array, of maps, of strings to $something
  • Records within a dataset contain a sufficently uniform set of keys to use the first few records when providing sample values and key list.
  • No explicit consideration of non-ascii characters was made for this version. If you can type it you can search for it however no normalization will occur, so the same letter formed by different means is unlikely to match. Discussion of normalization issues as related to APFS:
  • No fields or values will be the string '.help', '.quit', or '.back'
  • No-one would create a directory with a '.json' suffix in the data directory.
  • All fields are compared as strings and require full text equality in order to be considered a match.
  • Users get exactly what they ask for. They will be prompted if attempting to search for an unexpected key but no attempt is made to force values to conform to specific formats.



  • golang-1.6.3-2.el7

Supplimental (build, dataset generation, etc)

  • bash-4.2.46-20.el7_2
  • make-3.82-21.el7
  • words-3.0-22.el7


Performance as measured on

8-Core, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 v5 @ 3.50GHz With ~28Gb free RAM

Records Parse Filter
10 198.945µs 13.367µs
100 1.497425ms 64.775µs
1,000 13.289993ms 405.67µs
10,000 141.016349ms 3.99669ms
100,000 1.385676925s 41.508465ms
1,000,000 12.434854895s 458.426874ms

O(N) as expected and sufficiently fast since JSON files are not widely considered replacements for a proper database.


make or go build -a -o json_search main.go search.go ui.go


Interactive mode

# json_search [-data path_to_directory_with_json_files]

Sample session:

JSON Search Tool

Please select a dataset to search, or '.quit' to exit:
   1) Organizations 2) Tickets 3) Users 
# 3

Parsed users.json in 1.607093ms

   '.help|.h' to see available fields
   '.back|.b' to go back
   '.quit|.q' to exit

Enter a term to search Users # .h

User records contain the following fields:
* last_login_at
* signature
* organization_id
* external_id
* created_at
* verified
* locale
* timezone
* tags
* _id
* email
* url
* name
* phone
* alias
* active
* shared
* suspended
* role

   '.help|.h' to see available fields
   '.back|.b' to go back
   '.quit|.q' to exit

Enter a term to search Users # _id

   '.help|.h' to see example values
   '.back|.b' to go back
   '.quit|.q' to exit

Enter a value to search Users[_id] # .b

   '.help|.h' to see available fields
   '.back|.b' to go back
   '.quit|.q' to exit

Enter a term to search Users # tags

   '.help|.h' to see example values
   '.back|.b' to go back
   '.quit|.q' to exit

Enter a value to search Users[tags] # .h

User records contain 'tags' values like:
* Springville
* Sutton
* Hartsville/Hartley
* Diaperville
* Foxworth
* Woodlands
* Herlong
* Henrietta
* Mulino
* Kenwood
* Wescosville
* Loyalhanna
* Gallina
* Glenshaw
* Rowe
* Babb

   '.help|.h' to see example values
   '.back|.b' to go back
   '.quit|.q' to exit

Enter a value to search Users[tags] # Mulino
Searching 75 records for entries with 'tags' equal to 'Mulino'
1 record(s) found in 84.34µs

**** Result[1/1]
                    _id:  3
                 active:  false
                  alias:  Miss Buck
             created_at:  2016-07-28T05:29:25 -10:00
            external_id:  85c599c1-ebab-474d-a4e6-32f1c06e8730
          last_login_at:  2013-02-07T05:53:38 -11:00
                 locale:  en-AU
                   name:  Ingrid Wagner
        organization_id:  104
                  phone:  9365-482-943
                   role:  end-user
                 shared:  false
              signature:  Don't Worry Be Happy!
              suspended:  false
                tags[0]:  Mulino
                tags[1]:  Kenwood
                tags[2]:  Wescosville
                tags[3]:  Loyalhanna
               timezone:  Trinidad and Tobago
               verified:  false

End of results

   '.help|.h' to see example values
   '.back|.b' to go back
   '.quit|.q' to exit

Enter a value to search Users[tags] # .quit

Scripted session

Commands, one per line, can also be placed in a file and piped to the json_search tool.

# cat sample
# cat sample | json_search

Batch mode

To avoid the need for creating session files, the tool search parameters can also be invoked from the command-line to facilitate testing.

# json_search --help
Usage of json_search:
  -data string
    	Path to a directory containing valid JSON files (default "./")
  -filename string
    	File containing valid JSON
  -key string
    	JSON key to search for
  -value string
    	Value which the specified key must contain

# json_search -filename users.json -key tags -value Mulino
Parsed users.json in 1.72752ms
Searching 75 records for entries with 'tags' equal to 'Mulino'
1 record(s) found in 25.635µs

**** Result[1/1]
                    _id:  3
                 active:  false
                  alias:  Miss Buck
             created_at:  2016-07-28T05:29:25 -10:00
            external_id:  85c599c1-ebab-474d-a4e6-32f1c06e8730
          last_login_at:  2013-02-07T05:53:38 -11:00
                 locale:  en-AU
                   name:  Ingrid Wagner
        organization_id:  104
                  phone:  9365-482-943
                   role:  end-user
                 shared:  false
              signature:  Don't Worry Be Happy!
              suspended:  false
                tags[0]:  Mulino
                tags[1]:  Kenwood
                tags[2]:  Wescosville
                tags[3]:  Loyalhanna
               timezone:  Trinidad and Tobago
               verified:  false


Go learning exercise - tool for interactively searching uniform sets of JSON records







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