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Hyperapp Kit

Hyperapp Kit Intro

A starter kit for Hyperapp projects with prerendering.


git clone
cd hyperapp-kit
npm install

Wipe git commit history with npm run wipe.


# Start development server on http://localhost:1234
npm start

Hyperapp Kit uses Parcel. It comes with a development server and hot module reloading out of the box.


# Build files to dist/
npm run build

The files are minified and tree-shaken for optimization, and given hashes for cache-busting.


Upon build, the container element (<body> by default) will contain the app as an HTML string with the initial state. This means the browser can paint the elements onto the screen progressively as the HTML is streamed from the server without needing to download the JavaScript bundle, parse it, and then execute it. This is great for user experience and SEO, especially on slow 3G connections and low-end mobile phones. Once the JavaScript is ready, the nodes are hydrated by Hyperapp to enable interactivity.

Prerendering is distinguished from server-side rendering (SSR) in that HTTP requests for dynamic content are still done on the client, not the server. This means only static content is prerendered, and XMLHttpRequest or fetch requests are still made client-side.

Google is able to index dynamic content loaded with AJAX most of the time. However, it generally does not wait longer than 5 seconds. Other search engines like Bing and Yandex currently do not execute JavaScript at all.


Delete the .cache and .localserver folders if you encounter issues with the development server or building for production, as old data in these directories can sometimes cause issues.


Hyperapp Kit uses Jest for testing. It provides an automatic browser-like environment for Node with JSDOM to test your components.

# Run tests with coverage output
npm test

Recommended config and style


Virtual nodes as XML tags instead of h function calls is usually easier to mentally parse because of the terminating tag. It also looks stylistically pleasing due to familiarity with writing UIs as HTML.


The most popular CSS preprocessor.


Store styles in src/css. Each component should have its own stylesheet which is imported into the component's JavaScript file.

Use a methodology for scoping and maintainable CSS without styled components overhead.

.MyComponent {
  background: #333;

.MyComponent-element {
  color: white;

  &--active {
    color: pink;

Use the cc function in src/js/utils.js for conditional class concatenation:

cc('static', { highlighted: false }) // "static"
cc('static', { highlighted: true }) // "static highlighted"
cc({ a: false, b: true }) // "b"

For generic or CSS framework components, use kebab-case:

.css-component {
  text-align: center;

For Hyperapp components, use PascalCase:

.HyperappComponent {
  text-align: center;

Utility functions

Place utility functions as exported named functions inside src/js/utils.js to be imported throughout the app.




A starter kit for Hyperapp with prerendering.







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