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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

     This React web application is used to search Github user, implentating Github's API, and displays the github users information that was chosen. It displays their personal information, public repositories, and a link that directs the user to their Github profile if clicked.

     Search Users: Users are able to type a query in the search bar and displays a list of Github users profiles that the user may choose from.

     User Information: Allows the user to get more information about the Github user where it displays the chosen users name, avatar, location, bio, profile link, number of followers, number of followings, and their five most recent public repositories.

     Clear Users: The clear button allows the user to clear the list, if previously searched, of users that are displayed, but it is not necessary to clear the users to make a new search.

Future implementations:

  1. Allow users to create an account so where they are able to save a list of Github users that they may find interesting.


A small React application that uses Github's API to fetch and display information from users Github profiles.



