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DOOM64EX+ Released!

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@atsb atsb released this 15 Dec 08:25
· 164 commits to main since this release

This release brings the following changes / fixes:

  1. BUG FIX: Monster sprites would appear or get stuck upon game reload or level restart.
  2. BUG FIX: Linedefs sometimes were triggered / not triggered in the wrong direction.
  3. BUG FIX: Animated palettes (door tracks, wall textures etc..) now animate correctly (thanks to Immorpher).
  4. BUG FIX: Crash would occur sometimes on FrostWave on Ethereal Breakdown when the cyberdemon would teleport in.
  5. BUG FIX: Teleporting monsters no longer get stuck.
  6. BUG FIX: Brightness slider no longer crashes the game at max setting.
  7. BUG FIX: IDCLEV will not crash the game when choosing a level that does not exist, instead it will display an error and exit the game cleanly.
  8. FEATURE: Console popup is now selected by using the backslash key. SDL2 makes allowances for this on other keyboard types so it is more compatible than before on non-western, non-UK/US layouts.
  9. BUG FIX: EX scrolling directions for scrolling textures have been reversed (up was down and down was up).
  10. FEATURE: Window mode is now using borderless by default.
  11. FEATURE: Code is compiled as a Windows GUI program, so the Windows console will not appear.

Fixes from 1.1.2023:
12. Random crashing within fluidsynth is fixed.
13. Console is now activated using either TILDE (~) or BACKQUOTE depending on your keyboard localisation.
14. Ultra widescreen support (21:9) and code change to allow huge FOV settings or ultra widescreen support.
15. White text for the game HUD as an option.
16. Brutal mode (instant gibbing of all enemies that support it).

Fixes from 5.1.2023:
17. Fixed memory error upon exit (bad fluidsynth shutdown process)
18. Added Chaingunner, Revenant and Spider Mastermind sprites and code
19. Added 1280x600 and the ability to use borderless or bordered windowed mode. -borderless or -window (for standard window mode)
20. Fixed some linedefs not activating on crossing, most notable on MAP06

Fixes from 6.1.2023:
21. Pulled in vanilla code to permanently fix linedefs on MAP02 (crusher) and MAP06 which now is identical code to vanilla

Fixes from 7.1.2023:
22. Fixed light glows not deactivating
23. Added TESTA0 as a joke monster
24. Fixed the shootable switches and improved collision a little on the z-axis