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Wireguard configuration over gRPC without external dependencies.


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Wireguard gRPC Service

Wireguard-grpc logo

Wireguard gRPC aimed at managing Wireguard configurations. The service gives a control over Wireguard setup via gRPC using native client without parsing output of wireguard-tools like wg and wg-quick.

Client example is at client/main.go

Run with Docker


[Note] docker run requires NET_ADMIN docker capability

$ docker run -it --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -p 8080 --insecure --host

Build a docker image

$ make build-docker

Build & Run locally

Run the server with mTLS

make cert  # generate localhost certs for mutual authentication (mTLS)
make build  # build a binary
sudo ./wireguard-grpc  # run the server

Run the client

go run client/main.go


Run without TLS

# go run server/main.go -insecure  # run the server w/o TLS
$ go run client/main.go -insecure  # run the client w/o TLS

Explore API with grpcurl

$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 describe WireGuard
WireGuard is a service:
service WireGuard {
  rpc ConfigureDevice ( .ConfigureDeviceRequest ) returns ( .ConfigureDeviceResponse );
  rpc Device ( .DeviceRequest ) returns ( .DeviceResponse );
  rpc Devices ( .DevicesRequest ) returns ( .DevicesResponse );

Configure wireguard device and add a peer

$ PEER_KEY=$(wg genkey)
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d @ localhost:8080 WireGuard/ConfigureDevice <<EOM
      "name": "wg0",
      "config": {
      "privateKey": "$(wg genkey)",
      "listenPort": 51820,
      "peers": [
          "publicKey": "$(echo $PEER_KEY | wg pubkey)",
          "persistentKeepaliveInterval": "25s",
          "allowedIps": [
              "ip": "CgcADg==",
              "ipMask": "/////w=="
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 WireGuard/Devices

  "devices": [
      "name": "wg0",
      "type": "LINUX_KERNEL",
      "privateKey": "iN318Y5xLLLYR4wEMFLfSY+0pOKtJzJLXt3MhoDstV0=",
      "publicKey": "4AmbC1WQtBQ8QCA6NjZrnQZwDAgxq/YCU7fV8/xtVjA=",
      "listenPort": 51820,
      "peers": [
          "publicKey": "4eq4BR7mkU3p6FeaTKnwQ0umJYPW6BvoQhFkjFDONAM=",
          "presharedKey": "iefcb0yW/LDJ0oEqrMHe/sTuGartWok/PEU39RY9Z8A=",
          "persistentKeepaliveInterval": "25s",
          "lastHandshakeTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "allowedIps": [
              "ip": "CgcADg==",
              "ipMask": "/////w=="
          "protocolVersion": 1

Note about types

ip, ip_mask, keys are stored in bytes and encoded with base64. Those can be converted to string and vice versa by a python oneliner

$ python -c "import base64; print(base64.b64encode(bytearray([int(x) for x in ''.split('.')])))"
$ python -c "import base64; print('.'.join([str(x) for x in base64.b64decode('CgcADg==')]))"