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It is a simple trait that allows you to encrypt and decrypt on the fly multiple fields in your Eloquent models.

This is designed to solve what others can not do: decrypt the answers by API, especially in Lumen. It's not just another encryption package for Eloquent.

Install on Laravel/Lumen 5.5+

composer require attakinsky/encryptable


  1. Import on any model with use Attakinsky\Encryptable\Encryptable
  2. Iclude the trait with use Encryptable;
  3. Define an array named $encryptable with the fields that must be encrypted/decrypted.



namespace App;

use Attakinsky\Encryptable\Encryptable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail
    use Notifiable, Encryptable;

     * The attributes that should be encrypted on database.
     * @var array
    protected $encryptable = [
        'name', 'email',


Now, your data will be encrypted on save, and decrypted on load.


Let's start an Artisan tinker session:

php artisan tinker
Psy Shell v0.9.9 (PHP — cli) by Justin Hileman

Encrypt mutator

Create an user:

>>> $x = new User();
[!] Aliasing 'User' to 'App\User' for this Tinker session.
=> App\User {#3195}
>>> $x->name = "John Doe";
=> "John Doe"
>>> $x->email = "";
=> ""
>>> $x->password = Hash::make('123456');
=> "$2y$10$CM2qTNmUhbmmLFqiwWfvbuzTQO9sz4hmDo4COWK2HEQdWMhkLp7YO"
>>> $x->save();
=> true

Decrypt accessor

Name and email fields are encrypted. You can verify in MySQL with any tool like console, PHPMyAdmin, Adminer or something.

>>> $x = User::all();
=> Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#3196
     all: [
       App\User {#3197
         id: 1,
         name: "eyJpdiI6InlvRWxQZ2ZcL1VBM0lqNW5pVkZxZ2d3PT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImtjUDNGRmVLNTF1clM0NllUb2FWWFI1WlMrandIaTVcL2lZTXkzSmVoWU5ZPSIsIm1hYyI6ImJmMjg3MzM3ZDE5OWJlMTkwNjg3MjBmNWQ0ZTcxYmY3MWY1ZjY0NmI4ZjhjMzg1NzAyZjY0NDE2MjE1NDNjNDIifQ==",
         email: "eyJpdiI6IklDRjJIUlBqaHp4dkJ3Z3ZTcWdmdVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaW5GUXVGcjJudE1GczRBYnFhN1V2RTRZUlRtT1czUFNWUDVnQ21qSEx1Zz0iLCJtYWMiOiIzZThmY2IyNzM3MTcxMjUwNmVmODQ1NDliNzNjN2MxZjFkMWY0MDA1MDZjZTAzNjI3YmRkZTcxM2FjNjA5ZWMwIn0=",
         email_verified_at: null,
         created_at: "2019-06-04 21:28:39",
         updated_at: "2019-06-04 21:28:39",
>>> $x = User::find(1);
=> App\User {#3198
     id: 1,
     name: "eyJpdiI6InlvRWxQZ2ZcL1VBM0lqNW5pVkZxZ2d3PT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImtjUDNGRmVLNTF1clM0NllUb2FWWFI1WlMrandIaTVcL2lZTXkzSmVoWU5ZPSIsIm1hYyI6ImJmMjg3MzM3ZDE5OWJlMTkwNjg3MjBmNWQ0ZTcxYmY3MWY1ZjY0NmI4ZjhjMzg1NzAyZjY0NDE2MjE1NDNjNDIifQ==",
     email: "eyJpdiI6IklDRjJIUlBqaHp4dkJ3Z3ZTcWdmdVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaW5GUXVGcjJudE1GczRBYnFhN1V2RTRZUlRtT1czUFNWUDVnQ21qSEx1Zz0iLCJtYWMiOiIzZThmY2IyNzM3MTcxMjUwNmVmODQ1NDliNzNjN2MxZjFkMWY0MDA1MDZjZTAzNjI3YmRkZTcxM2FjNjA5ZWMwIn0=",
     email_verified_at: null,
     created_at: "2019-06-04 21:28:39",
     updated_at: "2019-06-04 21:28:39",

At this point, Attakinsky/Encryptable accessor's grants decrypt when you need it. For example in blade: {{ $user->name }} will print John Doe.

Lumen and API support.

However, if you need a response with raw data, this would not be decrypted by the standard accessor. Attakinsky/Encryptable includes an additional bulk accesor that allows decypt data that will not be invoked but sent as answer in JSON format.

>>> $x->toArray();
=> [
     "id" => 1,
     "name" => "John Doe",
     "email" => "",
     "email_verified_at" => null,
     "created_at" => "2019-06-04 21:28:39",
     "updated_at" => "2019-06-04 21:28:39",
>>> $x->toJson();
=> "{"id":1,"name":"John Doe","email":"","email_verified_at":null,"created_at":"2019-06-04 21:28:39","updated_at":"2019-06-04 21:28:39"}"

⚠ Caution!

Encryption is 100% dependent on your APP_KEY in the .env file. Therefore, your APP_KEY should not change. If that happens, your information can not be decrypted.

Please, always keep in mind that the key that encrypts a data is the only one that can decrypt it.


It is a simple trait that allows you to encrypt and decrypt on the fly multiple fields in your Eloquent models.







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