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I. How to demo

  1. Cd to root folder of project demo.microservice.eureka and start eureka server by commands
    Window version
    cd ..\demo\microservice\eureka
    mvn spring-boot:run

  2. Move to root folder of image service and start image service eureka-client by commands
    cd ..demo\microservice\image
    mvn spring-boot:run

  3. Set Environment variable for Vault server
    export VAULT_ADDR=’′
    Environment Window
    start Vault server
    vault server -dev
    Get root token from console after start Vault
    Root token
    Update this token to of galery module
    Write config for gallery service. Move root folder this repo and run below command
    vault kv put secret/gallery-service @testConfig.json

  4. Start config server
    cd ..demo\microservice\config
    mvn spring-boot:run

  5. Move to root folder of gallery service and start gallery service eureka-client by commands
    cd ..demo\microservice\galery
    mvn spring-boot:run

  6. To check service registry and service discovery, pls access eureka server by go to Zuul Dashboard. Access url below on browser

  7. Start auth service , run below commands
    cd ..\demo\microservice\auth
    mvn spring-boot:run

  8. Start Zuul like a gateway
    cd ..\demo\microservice\zuul
    mvn spring-boot:run

  9. The result like this
    The result

  10. Test microsevices before authentication . We can use postman to run this GET request

  11. Get token by call to API (POST) with header "Content-Type" is application/json
    get token

  12. Call gallery service with received token
    call with token

II. Technical stack

Main technologies:

  1. Spring boot for all services
  2. Netflix Eureka server like service registry
  3. Netflix Zuul like gateway
  4. Netflix Eureka client like service discovery
  5. Spring security + JWT to build authentication service
  6. Spring web for resource services like image , gallery service
  7. Netflix Hystrix like Circuit breaker
  8. ELK (Elasticsearch, logstash, Kibana) for managing, searching, visualizing logs
  9. Spring Cloud Config for server config and Vault for encrypt config
  10. Netflix ribbon for load balancer

III. Common problems

  1. How to separate and manage module services in Maven and Git
  2. How to manage distributed transaction
  3. How to design and separate correct tables for micro-services
  4. Interservice communication
  5. Distributed cache


  1. Microservices with Spring Boot — Intro to Microservices (Part 1)
  2. MicroServices using Spring Boot & Spring Cloud – Part 1 : Overview
  3. Martin Flower - Microservices
  4. Microserives IO
  5. Spring Cloud Config
  6. Vault get started
  7. Spring cloud circuit breaker
  8. Which Strategy You Will Choose to Implement Circuit-Breaker


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