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This project contains source code for fully replicating MIMIC-Extract.

Warning: This repository contains over 1.5 GB of MIMIC-Extract output files tracked with Git LFS. If you want to save time cloning this repository, and don't care about the output files, clone with the following command:


Project structure

NOTE: The output/ directory data was removed as MIMIC cannot be distributed publicly. Please run the extract script to obtain output data.

.# Copy of MIT-LCP/mimic-code
├── mimic-code/
│   # Customized version of MIMIC-Extract
├── MIMIC_Extract/
│   # Script to easily set up and run MIMIC-Extract database resources
│   # Sample outputs from MIMIC-Extract
├── output/
│      # Default settings; over 20 GB when unzipped
│  ├── 
│      # Default settings with population size of 25
│  ├── population-25/
│      # Default settings with population size of 1000
│  ├── population-1000/ 
│      # Ablated data, skipping unit conversion with population size of 1000
│  └── population-1000-no-unit-conversion/
│   # Notebook comparing default exported data with ablated dataset
└── sample_notebook.ipynb

Note: .h5 and .npy output files are tracked with Git LFS.

Explanation of outputs

NOTE: The output/ directory data was removed as MIMIC cannot be distributed publicly. Please run the extract script to obtain output data.

The output/ directory contains the following outputs from MIMIC-Extract, generated by running ./MIMIC_Extract/

  • A compressed program output folder using the default settings and the full population size
  • population-25: Program output with a population size set to 25
  • population-1000: Program output with a population size set to 1000
  • population-1000-no-unit-conversion: Program output with a population size set to 1000, and skipping the unit conversion function of MIMIC-Extract



This repository provides two methods of configuring your local environment for running MIMIC-Extract:

  1. Using the script to automatically run all necessary steps to build the MIMIC-III database and configure MIMIC_Extract
  2. Following the below instructions to build MIMIC-III and configure MIMIC_Extract manually

Both require that you have downloaded the MIMIC-III Clinical Database, which requires the following steps:

  1. Register for an account on the PhysioNet website, which hosts the MIMIC-III database.
  2. Become a credentialed user on PhysioNet.
  3. Complete the CITI Program training in human subjects research and HIPAA privacy rules.
  4. Sign the data use agreement (DUA) form for the dataset.


Before following either method to configure MIMIC_Extract, you must have the following dependencies installed:

Computational requirements

  • The mimic-code repository suggests that users should reserve 100 GB of space for the PostgreSQL database. It will also likely take many (6+) hours to build the database.
  • While users may download individual files of the mimic-code repository, the MIMIC-Extract codebase expects to take full-database. Therefore, users who wish to partially download the dataset should take caution for possible sources of error.
  • Downloading the full ZIP file from PhysioNet may take an hour or more.
  • The MIMIC-Extract function may take between 1.5-2 hours to run on the full population in this test case. Running with a smaller population (e.g., 25) only takes a few minutes.

We were able to run MIMIC-Extract against the full MIMIC-III database with a 2021 MacBook Pro with an Apple M1 Max and 64 GB of RAM.

Accessing the MIMIC-III database

Gain access to the MIMIC-III Clinical Database on PhysioNet:

  1. Register for an account on the PhysioNet website, which hosts the MIMIC-III database.
  2. Become a credentialed user on PhysioNet.
  3. Complete the CITI Program training in human subjects research and HIPAA privacy rules.
  4. Sign the data use agreement (DUA) form for the dataset (at the bottom of the MIMIC-III PhsyioNet page).
  5. Download the ZIP file for the MIMIC-III Clinical Database (~6.2 GB in size).

Running MIMIC-Extract

The below steps outline how to successfully build MIMIC-III and run the MIMIC-Extract program. This was tested on a 2021 MacBook Pro with an Apple M1 Max and 64 GB of RAM, using PostgreSQL 13.5.

Option 1: Using

  1. Clone this repository with submodules initialized
  2. Install dependencies and create conda environment:
    1. Run export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9
    2. Run conda env create --force -f ./MIMIC_Extract/mimic_extract_env_py36.yml i. This creates a Conda environment using our modified dependency file
    3. Activate the environment: conda activate mimic_extract_env_py36
  3. Run the script:
python \
	--mimic_zip_path $UNZIPPED_MIMIC_DATABASE_DIR \
	--mimic_code_path $CLONED_MIMIC_CODE_DIR \
	--mimic_extract_path $CLONED_MIMIC_EXTRACT_DIR \
	--pg_host localhost \
	--pg_user postgres \
	--pg_password postgres \
	--pg_port 5432 \
	--pg_db mimicez \
  1. Change directory to $CLONED_MIMIC_EXTRACT_DIR and run python
    1. Set the --out-path parameter to the desired extraction output location
    2. Set the --pop_size parameter to set a population size

Option 2: Building manually

1. Build MIMIC-III

  1. Clone mimic-code
  2. Configure a new PostgreSQL database with the name mimic
  3. Follow the steps in mimic-code to create MIMIC-III in a local Postgres database
    1. Unzip the MIMIC-III database
    2. Open mimic-code/mimic-iii/buildmimic/postgres/ in Terminal
    3. Run make create-user mimic-gz datadir="/path/to/mimic/unzipped/"
      1. NOTE: This will likely take many (6+) hours to complete
      2. By default, the Makefile uses the following parameters:
        • Database name: mimic
        • User name: postgres
        • Password: postgres
        • Schema: mimiciii
        • Host: none (defaults to localhost)
        • Port: none (defaults to 5432)
  4. Follow the steps in mimic-code to generate concepts in PostgreSQL
    1. Change directory to mimic-code/mimic-iii/concepts_postgres/
    2. Run psql -d mimic
    3. Run SET search_path TO mimiciii;
    4. Run \i postgres-functions.sql
    5. Run \i postgres-make-concepts.sql
    6. Exist the database with \q

2. Run MIMIC-Extract

  1. Clone MIMIC-Extract
  2. Create the Conda environment (See updated Conda .yml in atwalsh/MIMIC-Extract)
    1. Open the cloned MIMIC_Extract/utils/ folder in Terminal
    2. Run export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9
    3. Run conda env create --force -f ../mimic_extract_env_py36.yml
    4. Activate the environment with conda activate mimic_extract_env_py36
    5. Install the english language model for spacy: python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  3. Build additional MIMIC-Extract concepts in PostgreSQL
    1. Run bash
    2. Run psql -d mimic
    3. Run \i niv-durations.sql
  4. Run the extraction script with python
    1. Set the --out-path parameter to the desired extraction output location
    2. Set the --pop_size parameter to set a population size


Shirly Wang, Matthew B. A. McDermott, Geeticka Chauhan, Michael C. * Hughes, Tristan Naumann, and Marzyeh Ghassemi. MIMIC-Extract: A Data Extraction, Preprocessing, and Representation Pipeline for MIMIC-III. arXiv:1907.08322.


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