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Discovery of Domains and Subdomains in SANs

Hossein Shourabi edited this page Jun 4, 2023 · 1 revision

Discover and explore the domains and subdomains present in the Subject Alternative Names (SANs) of SSL/TLS certificates.

SSL/TLS certificates commonly include SANs, which allow a single certificate to secure multiple domains and subdomains associated with a particular entity. By analyzing the SANs of certificates, you can uncover additional domains and subdomains that may be associated with a target organization or website.

This tool facilitates the discovery process by extracting and presenting the domains and subdomains found in the SANs of SSL/TLS certificates. It can be a valuable asset for reconnaissance, security assessments, and enumeration exercises, providing insights into the broader digital footprint of a target.

Uncover hidden domains, identify related subdomains, and gain a comprehensive view of the certificate's scope by leveraging the SAN information. Expand your knowledge about a target's online presence and enhance your security assessments using this tool.

Happy hunting as you explore and discover the domains and subdomains within the SANs of SSL/TLS certificates!

crtsh -u --silent | sans | tee thedisney-sans.subs
cat subs | sans -d 3| tee m-sans.subs
echo "target.tld" | sans -d 4 | tee target-sans.subs

All scripts is provided as-is without any warranties or guarantees. Use it responsibly and at your own risk.

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