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augustbering edited this page Dec 6, 2011 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ABFS wiki!

ABFS is a compressed file system for Linux using a regular file system directory as the data store. It's heavily inspired by the Fusecompress project (some code stolen there too), but optimized for handling a few, really big files that change frequently (this applies to database stores and more specifically the mongodb databases).

The way it works is by splitting each file into 100k blocks, compressing each block separately and storing it to disk as separate file. Thus, the fragmentation and slowdown seen in some other compressed systems when rewriting files doesn't occur.

Some benchmarking shows that for real world usage, putting the mongodb files on ABFS can slow down insertions with about 10-20% and SPEED UP reading of data with about as much. Compression ratio was about 5/1

ABFS uses LZO compression.

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