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Satelco edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 2 revisions

Sallegra Binding


  • Sallegra Dimmer DA-ET-4, Sallegra Relay R-ET-4 and Sallegra Input ADI-ET-8/8 are currently supported
  • Syncs the Openhab status with the actual status on the Sallegra Module


A supported Sallegra device with the corresponding IP address, password and access to it via HTTP/Port 80.

Sallegra Binding Configuration


These config parameters are used for the Sallegra binding. Values with a leading $ are meant to be replaced with the value in the actual setup.

############################### Sallegra Binding #######################################
# sallegra:$modulename.hostname=$hostname
# sallegra:$modulename.password=$password

# sallegra:$modulename.hostname=$hostname
# sallegra:$modulename.password=$password

Item Configuration

You can use the following parameters in the item configuration to control a Sallegra module with the Openhab binding.

Switch Light_Livingroom   "Light_Livingroom"  { sallegra="livingroom:relay:1" }
String Input1             "Input1 [%s]"       { sallegra="inputmodule:input:DI8" }
Dimmer Light_Bedroom      "Dimmer 1 [%d %%]"  { sallegra="bedroom:dimmer:1" }
{ sallegra="$modulename:$modulespecific:$port" }

$modulename Defines the name of the module. This is the name you earlier set for the module in the Openhab.cfg.

$port This defines the Hardware Port on the Sallegra module. On dimmer and relay modules this is exactly 1:1 the relay/dimmer port number you can find on the Device Sign. On the Input module you have to use the complete string of the input. You can find them in the xml file of the input module.

$modulespecific This is a specific value to kind of specifiy the module. You should use the following strings according to the device:

R-ET-4 -> relay

ADI-ET-8/8 -> input

DA-ET-4 -> dimmer


###Linux and OS X




User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

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Single Rules


Release Notes

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