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Example on AWS Cognito

This sample project has two examples namely for Cognito User Pool and for Cognito Identity Pool

Prerequisites for example 1 (Cognito User Pool Demo):

  1. Create an AWS account and get the access and secret key credentials
  2. In Cognito user pool dashboard, create an user pool
  3. In the attributes section, create the following custom attributes which are of the type String.
      role, region, customer, facility and ipaddress
  4. In the Apps section, register an App with the following options
       (a) Enable the option "Generate Client Secret"
       (b) Enable the option "Enable sign-in API for server-based authentication (ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH)"
       (c) Disable or Have the option "Only allow Custom Authentication (CUSTOM_AUTH_FLOW_ONLY)" unchecked
  5. Now create the app
  6. Once the app is created, open the file in the example here and update the following values
       (a) access_key= your access key
       (b) secret_key= your secret key
       (c) userpool_id= user pool id you just created
       (d) app_name= App name you just registered
       (e) app_client_id=Client Id of the App you just registered
       (f) app_client_secret=Client Secret of the App you just registered
  7. Update the following key with values which are under the section user data
       (a)userId= username of the user to be registered
       (b)password=password of the user to be registered
       (c)confirm_password=password for forgot password flow
       (d)change_password=password for change password flow
  8. Java Class to be updated: com/demo/
  9. Open the java class com/demo/ and update the region with your appropriate region
  10. Execute the java class com/demo/ by uncommenting the required methods within the main method for
    the appropriate flows.
       SignUp - singUp
       Verifying Email - verifyEmail
       Login - login (once it is executed, copy the id_token, access_token and refresh_token from the console and paste them into the
       SignOut - singOut
       Update and Read User attributes - updateUserAttributes, getUsers
       Forgot Password - forgotPassword
       Confirm Password - confirmForgotPassword
       Change Password - changePassword
       Renew Access Token - renewAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken
       Delete User -deleteUser

Prerequisites for example 2 (Cognito Identity Pool Demo):

  1. Create an Identity Pool in Cognito
  2. In the Authentication providers section, Select the "Cognito" tab and configure the User pool Id and App Client Id that we
            created in the Example 1 above.
  3. Open the and update the keys identity_pool_id and id_provider_name
  4. In the IAM dashboard, create an IAM role with the ReadOnly Access to S3 bucket
  5. Update the trust relationship of the role with following script and make sure you update the "Your Identity Pool Id"
    with the actual Identity pool id
          "Version": "2012-10-17", 
        "Statement": [   
              "Sid": "",     
              "Effect": "Allow",     
              "Principal": {       
                  "Federated": ""     
               "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",     
               "Condition": {       
                  "StringEquals": {         
                    "":             "Your Identity Pool Id" 
                "ForAnyValue:StringLike": {         
                    "": "authenticated"       
  6. Once the IAM role is created, copy the ARN of the role and update the role_arn property in the
  7. Create a S3 bucket in the same region where your identity pool is and and upload a text file to be read into the bucket
  8. Once the bucket is created, update the bucket_name and bucket_key properties in the
  9. Open the java class com/demo/ and update the region with your appropriate region.
  10. Execute the main method of the java class com/demo/ and Observe the results


Example on AWS Cognito






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