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Jest-Sample-Test by Md. Alim Ul Karim

Video (Demo)


Task : 01 (Deep Cloning)

Write a function called deepClone which takes an object and creates a copy of it. e.g. {name: "Paddy", address: {town: "Lerum", country: "Sweden"}} -> {name: "Paddy", address: {town: "Lerum", country: "Sweden"}}

Task : 01 (Solution)

Notes: Deep cloner takes any object and verifies if it is not a string, function or number then the given object is a valid one then converts to JSON string and then converts that string back to object returns a total deep clone of the object given.

Task : 02 (Coordinates nearest for quick meal)

We'd like to contact partners with offices within 100km of central London (coordinates 51.515419, -0.141099) to invite them out for a meal.

Write a NodeJS/JavaScript program that reads our list of partners (use the attached JSON or and outputs the company names and addresses of matching partners (with offices within 100km) sorted by company name (ascending).

You can use the first formula from this Wikipedia article ( to calculate distance. Don't forget to convert degrees to radians! Your program should be fully tested too.

Task : 02 (Solution)

Code Coverage Screenshots



Coverage Reports

Note: After running watch coverage reports will be found in the coverage folder of the root of the projects.

Coverage Logs

Watch Usage: Press w to show more.
 PASS  coordinates/__tests__/coordinate.spec.js
  Coordinate class tests
    [Constructor Testing] Coordinate.constructor(string)
      √ [Invlaid] Input(null->null) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error. (2ms)
      √ [Invlaid] Input(undefined->undefined) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error. (1ms)
      √ [Invlaid] Input(1->AnyNumber) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error.
      √ [Invlaid] Input({}->{}(AnyObject)) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error. (1ms)
      √ [Invlaid] Input("x,1"->x,1) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error.
      √ [Invlaid] Input("x, 1"->x, 1) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error.
      √ [Invlaid] Input("1, x"->1,x) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error. (1ms)
      √ [Invlaid] Input("x,y"->x,y) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error.
      √ [Invlaid] Input("1.5,y"->1.5,y) -> Coordinate.constructor(string) throws error.
      √ [Invlaid] String input("any thing which doesn't have coma") -> Coordinate.constructor(string) keeps isValid flag to false. (1ms)
      √ [Valid] String input(""1,2"") -> Coordinate.constructor(string) keeps isValid flag to true.
      √ [Valid] String input(""5.1,2.5"") -> Coordinate.constructor(string) keeps isValid flag to true.
      √ [Valid] String input(""5.1, 2.5"") -> Coordinate.constructor(string) keeps isValid flag to true. (1ms)
      √ [Integration] Throws if flag is not valid.
      √ [Integration] Coordinate("1, 2").toString() returns given cordinates string ("1, 2").
    Coordinate.getDistanceOf(anotherCoordinate) || Coordinate.throwIfInvalid()
      √ [Invalid] "getDistanceOf"() -> throws if flag is not valid. (1ms)
      √ [Invalid] "throwIfInvalid"() -> throws if flag is not valid.
      √ [Error/Exception Testing] getDistanceOf(null) -> throws if flag is not valid.
      √ [Error/Exception Testing] getDistanceOf(undefined) -> throws if flag is not valid.
      √ [Error/Exception Testing] getDistanceOf({"coordinates": "51.515419,-0.141099", "coordinatesArray": [Array], "isValid": true, "throwIfInvalid": undefined, "x": 51.515419, "y": -0.141099}) -> throws if flag is not valid.
      √ [Mutation Verification] .throwIfInvalid() -> , converterUtility.getDistance() same one return 0 distance. (2ms)

 PASS  coordinates/__tests__/partnersProfile.spec.js
  PartnersProfile class tests
    √ [Integration] idealCoordinate should be "51.515419,-0.141099" (1ms)
    √ [Integration] .readFileUsingRequire() throws exception if invalid path given." (15ms)
    [Constructor Testing] .constructor(string)
      √ [Invlaid] Input(null -> null) -> PartnersProfile.constructor(string) throws error. (2ms)
      √ [Invlaid] Input(undefined -> undefined) -> PartnersProfile.constructor(string) throws error.
      √ [Invlaid] Input(1 -> AnyNumber) -> PartnersProfile.constructor(string) throws error.
      √ [Invlaid] Input({} -> {}(AnyObject)) -> PartnersProfile.constructor(string) throws error. (1ms)
      √ [Invlaid] String('anystring,$$##@') PartnersProfile.constructor(string -> meaning giving invalid path string) -> doesn't throw any error.
    .debugPrintPartnerProfilesWithinHundredKilometersOrderByCompanyName() displays
      √ When (null), prints "No records found within range." (2ms)
      √ When (undefined), prints "No records found within range."
      √ When ([]), prints "No records found within range." (1ms)
      √ When (["Hello World1"]), prints "Hello World1"
    .partnerProfileOrderByCompanyNameAscending() ascending sorting (f.organization - l.organization)
      √ [Invalid] When ([null, null]), prints "Given profile is either invalid or doesn' have "organization" property." (1ms)
      √ [Invalid] When ([undefined, undefined]), prints "Given profile is either invalid or doesn' have "organization" property."
      √ [Invalid] When ([[Object], undefined]), prints "Given profile is either invalid or doesn' have "organization" property." (1ms)
      √ [Invalid] When ([[Object], [Object]]), prints "Given profile is either invalid or doesn' have "organization" property."
      √ [Integration, Valid] When (organization:5 - organization:3) returns 2.
    .getPartnerProfilesWithinHundredKilometersOrderByCompanyNamesDisplay() gets filtered profiles display array.
      √ [Mutation] getQuickestDistanseProfilesWithinHundredKilometers() must be called at once. (1ms)
      √ [Integration] creates display string.
    .getQuickestDistanseProfilesWithinHundredKilometers() gets filtered profiles.
      √ [Mutation] getPartnerProfiles() must be called at once. (1ms)
      √ [Mutation] filterPartnerProfileWithinHundredKilometers() must be called at once for filtering.
    .isCurrentAddressWithinHundredKilomitersRangeExceptDropAddress(partnerProfile, officeIndex) returns true if within 100Km range and mutates or removes office address from array if not within range.
      √ [Within Range] Is within 100km range, adds distance and don't remove from office address. (1ms)
      √ [NOT Within Range] Is NOT within 100km range (> 100KM), removes address from the offices array.
    .getPartnerProfiles() reads profile json data file from file system.
      √ [Using Mock] Throws error if given path is not exist in the system. (1ms)
      √ [Integration] Throws error if given path is not exist in the system.
      √ [Valid Path, Using Mock] Returns JSON data.
      √ [Valid Path, Using Mock] Returns null and console log while have error during read. (1ms)
    .filterPartnerProfileWithinHundredKilometers() returns true if any address is within range of 100km from IdealCoordinate(51.515419,-0.141099).
      √ [Invalid, Integration] Returns false 'office' property doesn't exist or 'office'(undefined/null/[]) or profile is undefined/null.
      √ [Valid, Using Mock] If office address coordinate is not within range then returns false.
      √ [Valid Input, Using Mock] If office (any) address coordinate is not within range then returns 'true'.

 PASS  utilities/__tests__/converterUtility.spec.js
  ConverterUtility class tests.
    .convertDegreesToRadians(degree) converts given number as degrees to radians
      √ [Integration] .convertDegreesToRadians(0) should return 0 (1ms)
      √ [Integration] .convertDegreesToRadians(30) should return 0.5235987756
      √ [Integration] .convertDegreesToRadians(120) should return 2.0943951024
      √ [Integration] .convertDegreesToRadians(360) should return 6.2831853072
    .getDistance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) gives a distance in between coordinates.
      √ [Integration] .getDistance(
                        long1: -1.7297222222222222,
                        lat2: 53.31861111111111,
                        long2:-1.6997222222222224) -> should return '2.0043678382716137' (1ms)
      √ [Mutation with Mock] .getDistance() should call it's inner method with expected call numbers (1ms)

 PASS  cloner/__tests__/deepCloner.spec.js
  deep copy/cloning
    DeepCloner.objectToJsonString(object) takes object and converts to string
      √ [Exist function with 1 parameter] '.objectToJsonString(arg)' exist and has one argumnet. (2ms)
      √ [Invalid] Input(null->null) should throw Error with message "Invalid type null/undefined/function/string/number." (1ms)
      √ [Invalid] Input(undefined->undefined) should throw Error with message "Invalid type null/undefined/function/string/number."
      √ [Invalid] Input(1->1) should throw Error with message "Invalid type null/undefined/function/string/number." (1ms)
      √ [Invalid] Input(""->EmptyString("" or '')) should throw Error with message "Invalid type null/undefined/function/string/number."
      √ [Invalid] Input("validString"->validString) should throw Error with message "Invalid type null/undefined/function/string/number."
      √ [Invalid] Input([Function objectToJsonString]->function f() {...}) should throw Error with message "Invalid type null/undefined/function/string/number." (1ms)
      √ [Valid] Input({"id": null}) should return "{"id":null}"
      √ [Valid] Input({"id": ""}) should return "{"id":""}"
      √ [Valid] Input({}) should return "{}"
      √ [Valid] Input([]) should return "[]"
      √ [Valid] Input([[Object], [Object]]) should return "[{"id":null},{}]"
    DeepCloner.deepClone(object) takes object and converts to JSON and then converts that to object (deep cloning).
      √ [Exist function with 1 parameter] '.deepClone(arg)' exist and has one argumnet.
      √ [Mocked, Mutation] '.deepClone(arg)' invokes DeepCloner.objectToJsonString(object) at once. (3ms)
      √ [Integration] '.deepClone(arg)' deep clones to nth level, at least 4th level json is cloned properly tested. (1ms)

File                  | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files             |     100 |    98.53 |     100 |     100 |
 cloner               |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  deepCloner.js       |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 coordinates          |     100 |    98.25 |     100 |     100 |
  coordinate.js       |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  partnersProfile.js  |     100 |     97.3 |     100 |     100 | 112
 utilities            |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  converterUtility.js |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total
Tests:       71 passed, 71 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        2.188s
Ran all test suites.

Notes: Reads the json file given and then filters out the office address which are not in range. Only those offices has a valid office address within range of 100km will be displayed.

Implementation Screenshots


PS D:\PersonalWork\Github\Jest-Sample-Test> node app
Orginal Object:
{ name: 'Paddy', address: { town: 'Lerum', country: 'Sweden' } }
Cloned Modified Object:
{ name: 'Alim',
  address: { town: 'my Town', country: 'Sweden' } }

reading partners from: D:\PersonalWork\Github\Jest-Sample-Test\data\partners.json
 Company/Organization Name: "Blue Square 360",
 --- Address: "St Saviours Wharf, London SE1 2BE",
 ---- (lat, long) = (51.5014767,-0.0713608999999451), Distance: 5.069289250892033
 Company/Organization Name: "Gallus Consulting",
 --- Address: "Newton House, Northampton Science Park, Moulton Park, Kings Park Road, Northampton, NN3 6LG",
 ---- (lat, long) = (52.277409,-0.877935999999977), Distance: 98.66650647724738
 Company/Organization Name: "Gallus Consulting",
 --- Address: "No1 Royal Exchange, London, EC3V 3DG",
 ---- (lat, long) = (51.5136102,-0.08757919999993646), Distance: 3.708943084465606

Running Commands

  • node run dev-all will start development with watch.
  • node app will start and run the application.



Jest Sample Test Example







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