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Visualize the effect of Perlin noise on vector fields.

Made with: p5.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

the concept and applications of 'perlin noise' are fascinating. i was first introduced to perlin noise when i tried to wrap my head around terrain generation in minecraft. i understand perlin noise to be the bridge between something random and natural -- pseudo-random signals crafted to mimic the irregularities of textures, gradients, or motion. (click the vector field to change flow direction!)

perlin noise was invented by ken perlin in 1983 as a way of creating more natural looking cgi for the movie 'tron'. using a smooth and continuous function, perlin noise is capable of creating pseudo-random values at different points in space and meshing them together using gradient vectors to make a smooth noise function.

i was particularly interested in modeling the flow of liquids using a perlin noise flow field, which uses perlin noise to generate a vector field. The vectors point in a given direction based on the perlin noise value at that point. and by animating the flow of particles based on those noise values, organic and natural-looking animations can be developed.

to create perlin noise flow fields, i used the p5 javascript library through the p5.vscode extension. p5 has it's own native online editor and preview, but to get it running on visual studio, all i had to do was open the command pallette and enter 'create p5.js project'. to see the visualization, click 'go live' at the bottom right of visual studio and take a trip to your localhost.

im going to attempt to break down the code.

let particles = [];  
const numberOfParticles = 20000;  
const noiseScale = 0.01;
  • here im setting up an array of particles that we will create later. the two constants are pretty self-explanatory, numberOfParticles is the number of particles that will be part of our flow field and the noiseScale is the factor by which we will have to scale down the x and y so we can 'zoom in' on the noise -- otherwise our display will be too grainy.
function setup() {  
  createCanvas(1500, 1000);  
  for(let i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++) {  
    particles.push(createVector(random(width), random(height)));  
  • the setup() function will enable us to create the canvas for the vector field and it will start to push particles of random heights and widths to the array we made earlier.
function draw() {  
  for(let i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++) {  
    let a = particles[i]  
    point(a.x, a.y);  
    let b = noise(a.x * noiseScale, a.y * noiseScale);  
    let c = 2 * PI * b;  
    a.x -= cos(c);  
    a.y -= sin(c);  
    if (!visible(a)) {  
      a.x = random(width);  
      a.y = random(height);  
  • the draw() function will first create a background that is based on two parameters.

    1. the desired 'brightness' of the background, 0 being black and 255 being white.
    2. the opacity of the background -- this adds a trailing effect to the moving particles
  • the for loop is the core of the draw() function, where each particle is assigned an angle in radians based on the noiseSeed of the program, and then using basic trig we can modify the x and y positions of a particle. if desired, you can multiply by a desired speed and change the direction of particle flow from right to left by doing this:

    a.x += cos(c) * speed;  
    a.y += sin(c) * speed;
  • i'll discuss the !visible logic below

function visible(vector) {  
  return vector.x <= width && vector.x >=0 && vector.y <= height && vector.y >= 0;  
  • this function just determines if we 'lose' a particle over the edge of the canvas so that we can have it reassigned a new x and y position in the draw() function.
function mouseReleased() {  

when we click and release our mouse, the mouseReleased() function will reassign the noiseSeed based on the number of milliseconds that have passed since the setup() function was called, so that there is always a new noiseSeed whenever the mouse is clicked and released.


simulate fluid movement with perlin noise






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