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Wrapperr customization

Aune edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 7 revisions

Last revision: v3.2.0

Custom string variables

These are variables to be used within text, which are later replaced when the page is loaded. This is done at Wrapperr customization within the admin panel.

Example: "Hey {user}!"

Result: "Hey Benny!"

Works everywhere

These string variables work within every box

String Replacement
{track_count} The amount of tracks listened to by the user.
{movie_count} The amount of movies seen by the user.
{show_count} The amount of shows seen by the user.
{user} The name of the user.
{username} The username of the user.
{user_id} The Plex User ID of the user.
{wrapperr_version} The current Wrapperr version.
{application_name} The current Wrapperr application name.
{current_year} The year when the page was generated.
{current_date} The date when the page was generated.


These string variables only work within the box listed in the left.


Location String Replacement
Movies subtitle {movie_count} Integer of movies watched
Movie completion title {movie_finish_percent} One movie completion in percentage
Movies average completion title {movie_finish_percent} Average movie completion in percentage
Movie paused title {movie_title} Title of the most paused movie
Movie paused subtitle {pause_duration} Dynamic time string of pause duration
One movie paused subtitle {pause_duration} Dynamic time string of pause duration
Movie oldest title {movie_title} Title of the oldest movie
Movie spent title {movie_sum_duration} Dynamic time string of time spent watching movies


Location String Replacement
Shows subtitle {show_count} Integer of shows watched
Shows title for top episode {show_episode} Title of the most seen episode
Shows title for top episode {show_title} Title of the most seen show
Shows subtitle for top episode {episode_play_sum} Sum of plays given to top episode
Shows subtitle for top episode {episode_duration_sum} Dynamic time string of time spent watching top episode
Shows title buddy section {top_show_title} Title of the shared top show
Shows title buddy section {buddy_username} Name of the top show buddy
Shows subtitle buddy section {buddy_duration_sum} Dynamic time string of time spent watching shared show
Shows subtitle buddy section {top_show_title} Title of the shared top show
Shows title buddy section (none) {top_show_title} Title of the users top show
Show spent title {show_sum_duration} Dynamic time string of time spent watching shows


Location String Replacement
Music subtitle {track_count} Integer of tracks listened to
Music title for oldest album {album_title} Title of the oldest album listened to
Music title for oldest album {album_artist} Artist of the oldest album listened to
Music subtitle {music_sum_duration} Dynamic time string of time spent listening to music
Music spent subtitle {music_sum_minutes} Minute string of time spent listening to music


Location String Replacement
Server-wide movie duration {movie_duration_sum} Dynamic time string of time spent watching movies across the server
Server-wide show duration {show_duration_sum} Dynamic time string of time spent watching shows across the server
Server-wide music duration {music_duration_sum} Dynamic time string of time spent listening to music across the server
Server-wide content duration {all_duration_sum} Dynamic time string of time spent consuming media across the server