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Lotus Operator

Secure Bridge Transaction Verification and Validation.

The Lotus operator is a critical component ensuring the integrity and security of bridge transactions between the Bitcoin and Aura networks with EVM compatibility. It plays a vital role in verifying and validating income and outcome transactions, safeguarding the smooth flow of assets across these chains.

1. Config

The operator service need a config file located at ./operator.toml for default. Here is describe of fields in config:

a. Server

  • http-port: This defines the port number on which the operator server listens for incoming connections.

b. Bitcoin

  • network: Specifies the Bitcoin network to connect to (likely "testnet3" for a test network in this case).

  • host: The IP address and port of the Bitcoin node used for communication.

  • user: The username for authentication with the Bitcoin node (if required).

  • password: The password for the Bitcoin node user (if required).

  • query-interval: The interval (in seconds) at which the bridge queries the Bitcoin node for new transactions.

  • min-confirmations: The minimum number of confirmations required for a Bitcoin transaction before it's considered for bridging.

  • bitcoin-multisig: The multisignature address used for Bitcoin transactions on the bridge.

  • private-key: The private key associated with the bridge's multisignature address (likely obfuscated for security reasons).

  • redeem-script: The redeem script for the multisignature address (likely obfuscated).

c. Evm

  • url: The URL of the Aura Network JSON RPC endpoint for communication.
  • chain-id: The chain ID of the Aura Network used by the bridge.
  • query-interval: The interval (in seconds) at which the bridge queries Aura Network for transaction confirmations.
  • min-confirmations: The minimum number of confirmations required for an Aura Network transaction before it's considered finalized.
  • private-key: The private key used by the bridge for signing transactions on Aura Network (likely obfuscated).
  • call-timeout: The timeout value (in seconds) for making calls to the Aura Network JSON RPC endpoint.

2. Run

After editing config properly. Run the service using command:

make run


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