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TheQuestioner is a surveying software built using Java Swing framework and MySQL RDBMS.


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Welcome to The Questioner 👋

A surveying software built using Java Swing framework and MySQL RDBMS.

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Install and configure MySQL 5.7 server on your local machine. Also create an empty database named "the_questioner_db" & take a note of your MySQL username, password & database name.

Install Netbeans 8.2 and JAVA SE 8. You can download JRE 1.8 & JDK 1.8 here.

Development Setup

Download the code as zip file and save it in your preferred location. Launch NetBeans and go to File->Import Project->From ZIP and choose the downloaded zip file.

Go to the TheQuestioner project folder in NetBeans Project directory(usually in C:\user\documents\NetBeansProjects) and open & edit the configuration file(see below).

In NetBeans, Clean and build project(Shift+F11), and then run the software(F6).

In the initial run, there will be a pop-up: "Everything initialized successfully", indicating that all the tables in the database have been created and a few sample values of questions, responses & upvotes are added, and the MySQL backend is ready to use.

Note that this pop-up will only be displayed when the software is run the first time.

Follow the on-screen instructions to Sign-up and then log in to use the software.

The user credentials, and other data like, questions, responses, upvotes, etc will be stored in the local MySQL database.

Note: If you wish to re-initialize the MySQL back-end, delete all contents of the database "the_questioner_db", and go to "TheQuestioner" NetBeans project folder and edit "" file and set the "db_initialised" to false. And then re-start TheQuestioner Java software.

Also, you can check out the Screenshots folder to have a look at the User Interface of this software.


Open file and enter the MySQL credentials & database name. Also enter the SMTP Server Credentials, if you wish to use Email OTP verification functionality of this software.


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Code released under MIT License.


TheQuestioner is a surveying software built using Java Swing framework and MySQL RDBMS.






