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Markdown Interpolation

Find and replace the content between markdown comments.

This is intended for use in Node.js because it has some file operation logic for convenience.


Let's say you have a file called with this content.

My name is Bob.

You can make the name "Bob" dynamic.

Let's call our variable NAME by using the prefix <!-- NAME --> and suffix <!-- END NAME -->.

My name is <!-- NAME -->Bob<!-- END NAME -->

Write by file name

Now write some javascript to replace the content Bob with John.

import { mdIFileWrite } from 'markdown-interpolation';

mdIFileWrite('', {
    NAME: 'John'

This will result in the following file.

My name is <!-- NAME -->John<!-- END NAME -->

When rendered in markdown it will appear as follows.

My name is John

Write by regex match on file names

You can use regular expressions to match multiple files in a single call.

For example match all files that end with .md.

import { mdIFileWrite } from 'markdown-interpolation';

mdIFileWrite(/.*\.md/i, {
    NAME: 'John'


You can read all the markdown variables back.

Let's continue using the example from the previous section.

My name is <!-- NAME -->John<!-- END NAME -->

Read content of all variables

Read all the variables from a file.

import { mdIReadEntries } from 'markdown-interpolation';

const results = mdIReadEntries('');

The output will be a JSON array of objects describing each variable.

    "key": "NAME",
    "value": "John"


This entire thing is powered by regex. Below is the expression.

/(?<=<!-- ?${key} ?-->)(.*?)(?=<!-- ?END ${key} ?-->)/gs