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austin183 edited this page Sep 3, 2018 · 27 revisions

Instructions to get going

Download a 65MB CSV file for all the tile placements in order from the r/place weekend.

Download PlaceGenerator jar View Wiki Page to extract a number of frames from the place timelapse and put them in a folder as PNG files (long process)

Run a command where the Jar file is like:

User> java -jar PlaceGenerator.jar -i ccTiles.csv -o testFolder -t 20000

There are instructions built into the jar command, so leave it blank for more info.

Download PlaceSlideshow (macOs X app) View Wiki Page to view the extracted frames (in the Pictures folder only) as a timelapse or slideshow and export portions as MP4 movies

Link to the app:

Alternatively, you can use the explore.html document at the root of the repo to explore a set of PNG files in a web browser. It is a modified version of the explore.html that comes in the spacescience tech bundle.

Further reading

I had a great time participating in r/place. I didn't really do anything special during the event. I think I maintained the rainbow and the skyrim logo. When it ended, I wanted to see it front to back and take snippets I liked about it. I couldn't find any free software that worked how I wanted. Years later I made the PlaceSlideshow to show me the png's I downloaded from with a timeline slider so I could see any point at an instant and a slideshow feature with a fps throttle slider. It worked pretty well, but there were splotches in the source pictures. They start a ways into the event, and there are places where frames were dropped, or came in all black, or froze for periods of time.

So I googled it, and I found out there was a big CSV file with all the timestamped tile placements, although the links to googlapi failed me. So I had to resort to downloading it from somewhere. It was 500MB, which was much smaller than the 5.5GB file for PLACE-SNAPSHOTS, but it was still pretty big.

I sorted it by timestamp and chopped out the columns unrelated to building the timeline of pictures, so now I have all the place data in a 65MB file. I put it on google drive at

The PlaceGenerator is meant to be used to extract PNG files from the CSV file. The user can specify how many frames of the place timeline they want to generate and a directory to dump all the PNG files. On my MacBookPro with a 4th gen i7 that runs advertised as 2.2Ghz has so far taken an hour and a half to unpack 2/3s of the files on the first run through. It runs around 6 to 8 times faster on my Mac Mini with an i5 2.6ghz and 8GB of memory, which means the process is disk IO bound. I may go back and implement this in Swift, but I wanted to get a cross platform solution done in a language I already know first so anyone can generate the source as they like. Also the java implementation is command line only. It made it easier to report feedback for the process since there was no multithreaded UI to consider. A Jar of the project can be downloaded here:

An example usage would be:

User> java -jar PlaceGenerator.jar -i ccTiles.csv -o testFolder -t 20000

It could be possible to implement a Slideshow View app that works off the csv data directly. The java implementation would take 5 seconds to render the very first to very last pixel change. If the load process made a few static images throughout the timelapse and then only rendered from the closest static image in the past to the point requested based on the csv file, it could still look instantaneous when the user clicked a random place in the time line and one close to the end.

I wasn't the first person to do all this I found out, but it's done now anyway. I found a comment at indicating someone has already done what I did in python. It is a fun exercise if not an original one.

I am also not the first person to build a Place Timelapse Viewer. The spacescience 60GB file had an html page to give a slider like the PlaceSlideshow Mac app I wrote. Also, there is an online viewer that requires no work at Having said that, feel free to download my Place Slide Show app from . It has a feature to export a portion of the Place Timelapse as an MP4 movie of arbitrary length, but it is recommended that MP4's stick to 200 frames or less.