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Namecheap PHP SDK

Currently underdevelopment, and open to new PRs and issues.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require kregel/namecheap-sdk


use Kregel\Namecheap\Api;
use Kregel\Namecheap\Config;

$config = new Config($apiUser, $apiKey, $username, $clientIp);

$client = new Guzzlehttp\Client([
    'base_uri' => Api::ENV_SANDBOX

$api = new Api($config, $client)

$myDomains = $api->domains()
// Do stuff with my domains.


composer test

That will also generate code coverage which you can see in the build/coverage directory.

Planned or available features. Right now I will only be adding in features that I need personally. If there is something that you need, please make a PR for it.

Note: Due to Namecheaps... Odd way of naming and doing things for their docs this feature/roadmap list will follow the format [Command - description]

Domain Features

  • domains.getList - A list of domains for the authenticated user
  • domains.getContacts - The contact information of a domain, usually the information discovered through Whois.
  • domains.create - Register a new domain name
  • domains.getTldList - A list of all TLDS that can be registered on Namecheap
  • domains.setContacts - Sets the whois information for a domain
  • domains.check - Checks to see if a domain is available.
  • domains.reactivate - Reactivates an expired domain
  • domains.renew - Renews an expiring domain
  • domains.getRegistrarLock - Gets the RegistrarLock status of a domain (used for transferring domains out of/to a registrar)
  • domains.setRegistrarLock - Sets the status of a domain
  • domains.getInfo - Returns information about a requested domain.
  • domains.dns.setDefault - Sets the domain servers to the Namecheap default DNS servers. (Which is required for using their DNS editing interface)
  • domains.dns.setCustom - Sets the domain servers
  • domains.dns.getList - Gets the DNS servers for a domain
  • domains.dns.getHosts - Gets the DNS host record settings for a domain
  • domains.dns.getEmailForwarding - Gets the email forward settings
  • domains.dns.setEmailForwarding - sets the email forward settings
  • domains.dns.setHosts - Set the host records for a domain
  • domains.ns.create - Creates a new nameserver
  • domains.ns.delete - deletes a nameserver
  • domains.ns.getInfo - Gets the info about a nameserver
  • domains.ns.update - Updates the IP of a nameserver
  • domains.transfer.create - Transfers a domain to Namecheap. You can only transfer .biz, .ca, .cc, .co,, .com,,, .es, .in, .info, .me,, .mobi, .net,,, .org,,,, .pe, .tv, .us domains through API
  • domains.transfer.getStatus - Get the status of a transfer
  • domains.transfer.updateStatus - Update the status of a transfer
  • domains.transfer.getList - get the list of domain transfers.

As of this moment I am not supporting SSL through NC because of projects like LetsEncrypt, where you can get free SSL certs.


  • users.getPricing - Returns the pricing info for a requested product
  • users.getBalances - Get information about funds on a users account.
  • users.changePassword - Changes the password for a user
  • users.update - Updates user account information
  • users.createaddfundrequest - Creates a request to add funds for a user through a credit card
  • users.getAddFundsStatus - Gets the status of a funds transfer
  • users.create - Create a new namecheap account under the APIUser
  • users.login - validates a username/password
  • users.resetPassword - Sends a reset password link to the users email.
  • users.address.create - creates a new address for a user
  • users.address.delete - deletes an address for a user
  • users.address.getInfo - gets information about an address
  • users.address.getlist - gets a list of address for the user
  • users.address.setDefault - Set the default address
  • users.address.update - Updates a particular address


  • whoisguard.changeemailaddress - Change the WhoIsGuard email address
  • whoisguard.enable - enable whois guard
  • whoisguard.disable - disable whoisguard
  • whoisguard.unallot - unallot whoisguard
  • whoisguard.discard - discards whoisguard
  • whoisguard.allot - allots whoisguard
  • whoisguard.getList - Gets a list of WhoisGuard privacy protection
  • whoisguard.renew - Renews WhoisGuard privacy protection

License The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.