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Lecture 24 Node Part 8 Authentication & Authorization


本篇笔记是以 Mason 老师的 Lecture 24 Node.js (Part 8) 的课堂内容整理的随堂笔记。

Table of Content

1. Introduction

  • Authentication: who are you
    • Common authentication methods include identity verification protocols (such as OAuth, OpenID Connect), token-based authentication (such as JWT), and certificate authentication.
  • Authorization: what can you do
    • Common authorization mechanisms include Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), Policy-Based Access Control, and others.

2. CMS Practice (Part 3)

Continued from the previous course Repo: source code

unique: required

  • Unique, for example username

Separate auth controller and user controller

  • Auth controller includes business logic for register and login
  • User controller includes CRUD operations for user data

New user account

  • Generally, CMS does not allow external user registration, usually new users are created by super administrators (create user in user controller).

Error status codes

  • 409 Conflict: User already exists when creating a user
  • 401 Unauthorized: Username or password incorrect during login

Encrypt and Decrypt

  • Method One:
    • Hash encryption is non-reversible, it can only be used to compare hash passwords stored in the database with hash passwords entered by users.
    • Salt: Makes the hash encryption method random, but it results in plaintext storage.
    • Pepper: Results in non-plaintext storage, usually unnecessary.
  • Method Two:
    • Mongoose provides Schema.method for custom methods to verify passwords. And call it in the controller.
    • Cannot use arrow functions because it needs to use this.

Token vs Session and Cookie


  • header + payload + verify signature
  • advantages:
    • stateless server (state in token)
    • cross origin/ cross domain
  • disadvantages:
    • Once JWT token is issued, it remains valid until it expires
      • That means administrators cannot forcibly log out a particular account at any given moment.

session and cookie

  • for server side rendering
  • advantages:
    • CSRF
    • state server (state in session)
    • It can record some user information and behavior.

      Sometimes both token and cookie are used.

how to use token

  • Typically, a secret is generated and managed by DevOps using scripts.
  • Set expiration time.
  • Access token and refresh token.
  • utils/jwt.js: jwt.sign() and jwt.verify()
    • Use try{} catch(e){} when using jwt.verify().
    • When parsing token using jwt.verify(), you can obtain the role and user's permissions.
  • When to return a token:
    • After logging in.
    • Do not return a token after registration because it involves email verification (usually handled by third-party packages).

Block a user account

  • Add a "locked" attribute to user data to manage and modify the blocked status of the account.

      "_id": ObjectId("123456789012345678901234"),
      "username": "example_user",
      "email": "",
      "password": "hashed_password",
      "locked": false


  • RBAC: Role-Based Access Control
    • Multiple roles
      • For example:
        • Admin: Add, Delete, Post, Put
        • User: Add, Post, Put
  • ABAC - Attribute-Based Access Control (Same role, custom operation permissions)
  • In large-scale projects, for easier management, authentication verification might be placed in controllers or services rather than using middleware.

SSO: Single Sign-On Solution:

  1. Establish and associate a third-party login database.
  2. Alternatively, utilize existing third-party libraries.