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This repository contains a basic React Native Expo application integrated with Auth0 to authenticate users and call a protected API endpoint.

Check out the article "Call Protected APIs from a React Native Mobile Application"


This application uses the react-native-auth0 SDK which is not compatible with "Expo Go" app. It is compatible only with Custom Dev Client and EAS builds.

To run this application

  1. Install all dependencies with npm install

  2. Copy the .env.example file to .env and complete the values for AUTH0_DOMAIN, AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, and AUTH0_AUDIENCE from your Auth0 settings.

  3. Set up an API using the stack of your choice following one of our API guides

  4. Set the environment variable API_URL to match the root URL of your API

  5. Run the mobile application in your favorite mobile platform:

    # iOS target platform
    npm run ios
    # Android target platform
    npm run android