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Multi disc games

kalimag edited this page Jun 10, 2023 · 1 revision

Shuffling multi-disc games that require you to swap discs in the middle of the game and share save files between them is possible by using BizHawk's Multi-disk Bundler. Using this feature, you can create a kind of playlist of multiple discs, which will be treated as a single game with shared save data/save states by BizHawk and the shuffler.

Most of this page is just an explanation of how to use this BizHawk feature and is not specific to the BizHawk Shuffler. It was written with BizHawk 2.9 in mind.

Creating a bundle

1. Open the bundler in the Tools menu


2. Select the correct system/console


3. Add your discs


Use the Browse... buttons to select your disc images. Select the file that you would normally open in the emulator, e.g. the .cue file for .cue+.bin images.

Use the Add button to add more discs.

4. Save the bundle


Use the Browse... button to place the .xml bundle file inside the shuffler's games folder, where you would put your other roms. Remember to click Save afterwards!

ℹ️ Only the .xml file needs to be inside the games folder. It does not matter whether the .iso/.cue/.bin files are inside the games folder or not.

⚠️ If you move the .xml file to a different folder after saving it, it might not work anymore. If BizHawk can't find the disc files, you will have to recreate the bundle, or edit the .xml file in a text editor to correct the file paths.

5. Test your bundle

It's a good idea to test your bundle before you use it in the shuffler. Load the .xml file in BizHawk like you would any other rom, the game should start with the first disc in the bundle.

Swapping discs

Swapping discs works slightly differently depending on which console and which emulator core you're using. Usually the disc controls can be found inside the Virtual Pad in the Tools menu.


PSX (Octoshock)


Open the disc tray, then select a different disc from the list, then Close the tray.

PSX (Nymashock) and Saturn (Saturnus)


Click Open Tray. If the button stays pressed, click it a second time, or disable the Sticky option in the Pads menu. Move the Disk Index slider, then click Close Tray (twice if necessary).

Number 0 is the first disc in the bundle, -1 is no disc (empty tray).