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Joe edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 23 revisions

AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows you to manage a collection of scripts and phrases, and assign abbreviations and hotkeys to these. This allows you to execute a script or insert text on demand in whatever program you are using.

AutoKey features a subset of the capabilities of the popular Windows-based AutoHotkey, but is not intended as a full replacement. AutoKey's GUI features a number of concepts and features inspired by the Windows program PhraseExpress.

Project Status

AutoKey has now reached v 0.91.1

This branch of AutoKey is no longer being developed.

There is a new, improved version available here:


This version has an active developers, a lot of bug fixes, and is based on Python 3 which has greatly improved support for multibyte character sets.

It also features Xautomation integration which allows you to search the screen for simple images and position the cursor to them to access fields that cannot easily be reached using keyboard input.


  • Python scripting engine allows you to automate virtually any task that can be accomplished via the keyboard and/or mouse
  • Built-in code editor with autocomplete and calltips
  • Scripts are plain Python files that can be edited in any text editor
  • Similarly, phrases are stored as plain text files
  • Create collections of phrases/scripts in folders, and assign a hotkey or abbreviation to the folder to display a popup menu
  • Regular expressions can be used to filter windows by their title or class, to exclude hotkeys/abbreviations from triggering in certain applications
  • Scripts, phrases and folders can be attached to the notification icon menu, allowing you to select them without assigning a hotkey or abbreviation

Getting it

Source archives for this branch are available on this site.

For new installations, please use the newer autokey-py3 branch.

Getting Started

Hopefully, AutoKey's UI should be easy enough for everyone up to and including beginners to understand. You can read the Beginners Guide, or follow this excellent tutorial For examples on how to use the scripting feature, see the Sample Scripts wiki page.

Getting Help

Please visit us at the AutoKey Users group. We support both branches of AutoKey.

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