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Joe edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

Giving And Getting Support on Stack Exchange

Several Q&A forums on StackExchange are frequently used for posting and answering questions about AutoKey. In addition to helping people who are unaware of our support forums, participating in these forums helps attract new users and, potentially, new developers. There are also users very skilled in Python and many other topics who may be able to help with script coding issues.

Several relevant forums are:





Posting on Stack Exchange

When posting on Stack Exchange, you will find a very helpful and useful environment. However, keep in mind that these are not chat forums. They are strictly for questions and answers. Questions should be empirically answerable i.e. they should not (primarily) ask for opinions or other intangibles and both questions and answers should be to the point and should include as much information as possible that would allow any responder to reply effectively without having to first ask a lot of questions to determine the context of your post/system. Where relevant, you should also include details about any steps you have already taken to investigate/solve the issue.

Stack Exchange has been around a long time. Before responding to a post, it's usually a good idea to see when it was created/last edited. There's no penalty for answering an old post and you might even get a badge for it, but if a post is really old, responding to it may not be worthwhile.

TL;DR: Don't waste people's time.

If you stay polite and humble, you are very unlikely to have any issues from other users. If you stray from their guidelines like the ones above, you will hear about it very quickly. The users and moderators are very protective of quality of these forums.


Questions on Stack Exchange can be tagged. Some users follow these tags and are notified when a new question with a tag they follow is posted. This is a great way to get answers quickly from knowledgeable users.

There are already autokey tags on Askubuntu, Stackoverflow, and Unix/Linux.

If you ask a question that substantially involves AutoKey, you should add that tag to it. If you respond to someone else's question involving AutoKey that is not tagged, you can suggest that the OP add this tag.

There are a large number of other tags that you can also add to a question. Since these will generate notifications to relevant users, adding some of these is a great way to get appropriate attention to your question, but they should be used judiciously, especially when you're not sure which ones are the best fit. If you get it wrong or leave some good ones out, it's quite likely that moderators will correct this for you and usually won't bother you about it.

Searching Stack Exchange

While you can always use your favorite search engine to find results on Stack Exchange (optionally using the site: predicate that most search engines use to focus the search on a particular Q&A forum), Stack Exchange has a powerful search feature of its own.

There's a search field on every Stack Exchange page. Aside from using this the same way you would use any other search engine, There are quite a few advanced ways to direct your search. These are not advertised and I just discovered them after using Stack Exchange for decades. See the links below for details:

Short Version

Full Version

Some useful examples


all posts tagged as autokey (not many)


all posts containing "autokey" (including those about the cryptographic algorithm)

autokey lastactive:1y..

all posts containing "autokey" AND active in the last year (including a few about the autokey cryptographic algorithm)

autokey created:2012-04..2012-05

works too, but looks at when the original question was created.

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