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🐾 autokitteh

Overview 🌟

autokitteh is an open-source, developer-first framework aimed at simplifying the automation of distributed systems. It supports various deployment models including on-prem, cloud, and hybrid systems.

Key Features 🔑

  • Automation as Code: Focus on writing automation scripts.
  • Versatile Deployment: Compatible with on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.
  • Integrated Tools: Includes API connectivity, debugging, monitoring, and error handling features.

Use Cases 🚀

  • DevOps Automation: Automate workflows with tools like GitHub, Slack, Jira, etc.
  • Cybersecurity - SOAR: Develop Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response tools.
  • Work and Marketing Automation: Facilitate tasks using systems like Gmail, Docs, Slack, Calendar, etc.
  • Corporate Operations Automation: Enhance enterprise-specific procedures for HR, sales, etc.

Contact 📬

For inquiries, contact:

License 📜

The autokitteh license identifier for this project is Apache-2.0.

How to Contribute 🤝

To contribute to autokitteh, please refer to the file.

We appreciate contributions from everyone!