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How to add a new benchmark step by step

Philipp Müller edited this page Sep 1, 2021 · 1 revision

Please read and understand the first before adding a new benchmark.

Placeholders for your benchmark

  • <type>: Category of the benchmark, e.g. ml (machine learning)
  • <new_benchmark>: Filename of the benchmark*, e.g. svm
  • <NewBenchmark>: Classname of the benchmark*, e.g. SupportVectorMachine

*: has to be unique across all available benchmarks.

Create a local benchmark

Fork HPOBench and clone it to your machine. Switch to the development branch and create your own branch. Then install HPOBench with pip install .

git clone<your_github_name>/HPOBench.git
cd HPOBench
git checkout development
git branch <new_benchmark>
git checkout <new_benchmark>
pip install .


  1. Implement your new benchmark class <NewBenchmark> in hpobench/benchmarks/<type>/<new_benchmark>.py inheriting from the base class AbstractBenchmark in hpobench.abstract_benchmark. Your benchmark should implement __init__(), get_configuration_space(), get_fidelity_space(), objective_function() and objective_function_test().
  2. Make sure that both objective_function() and objective_function_test() are decorated with the wrapper function AbstractBenchmark.check_parameters. This function ensures that the given configuration is included in the benchmark's configuration space. It also imputes missing fidelity values in the given fidelity object with their default values.
  3. If your benchmark needs a dataset (e.g. for training an ml model), please also implement a DataManager, see e.g. hpobench/util/ with a load() method that downloads data once and reuses it for further calls.
  4. Collect all additional Python and non-Python dependencies while doing this. Make sure to also note the exact version of each dependency.
  5. Add dependencies installable via pip in a new file to /extra_requirements. While the name of the file is secondary, please choose a descriptive name. Add the dependencies as a list under the key <new_benchmark>.
  6. Add the remaining dependencies or steps necessary to run your benchmark in the docstring of your benchmark class (see, e.g. hpobench/benchmarks/nas/
  7. Verify that everything works with, e.g.
from hpobench.benchmarks.<type>.<new_benchmark> import <NewBenchmark>
b = <NewBenchmark>(<some_args>, rng=1)
config = b.get_configuration_space(seed=1).sample_configuration()
result_dict = b.objective_function(configuration=config, rng=1)

Note: Ideally, your benchmark behaves deterministically given a seed!

Now, you can create a PR marked as [WIP] and proceed with building a containerized version.

Create a containerized benchmark

  1. Create a container benchmark class <NewBenchmark> in hpobench/container/benchmarks/<type>/<new_benchmark>.py inheriting from the base class AbstractBenchmarkClient in hpobench.container.client_abstract_benchmark. The arguments benchmark_name and container_name should be assigned to <NewBenchmark> and <new_benchmark>, respectively.
  2. Copy hpobench/container/recipes/Singularity.template to hpobench/container/recipes/<type>/Singularity.<NewBenchmark>.
  3. Make sure you install the right dependencies within the file pip install .[<new_benchmark>].
  4. Test your container locally (see below).

Now, you can update your PR and let us know s.t. we can upload the container. Thanks.

How to test your container locally

  1. Switch into the folder hpobench/container/recipes/<type>, open the file Singularity.<NewBenchmark> and change the following lines in the recipe
  && git clone \
  && cd HPOBench \
  && git checkout development \

to point to the repo and branch where your fork is on:

  && git clone<your_github_name>/HPOBench.git \
  && cd HPOBench \
  && git checkout <new_benchmark> \
  1. Run sudo singularity build <new_benchmark> Singularity.<NewBenchmark>.
  2. Verify everything with:
from hpobench.container.benchmarks.<type>.<new_benchmark> import <NewBenchmark>
b = <NewBenchmark>(container_source="./", container_name="<new_benchmark>")
res = b.objective_function(configuration=b.get_configuration_space(seed=1).sample_configuration())