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Ashish Uttam edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 11 revisions

useForm(Array, Object) returns Object

const {
  fields: [field1, field2, ...more],
} = useForm(
  [{ ...fieldOptions1 }, { ...fieldOptions2 }, ...moreOptions],


useform([...fieldOptionsList], {...formOptionsObject})

The hook, accepts 2 arguments:

  • An Array of options to create the fields
  • An Object with form specific options

Field Options

Property Type Default Description
name string name of the field (required)
value any '' initial value, value type depends on the input element type. For example Boolean for checkbox, Array for multiple select, String for text and similar input elements. Note: The value must be initialized with the correct type when using with the non-text input types
transform callback (newValue, prev) => string callback for transforming value when the value gets changed. See more details below.
validate callback ({value, setError, getField}) => boolean|void callback to validate the field onChange and onSubmit events of the <input /> and <form /> elements. Return 'true' to mark field as valid. See more details below.
Passing transform and validate callbacks
const optionsList = [
    name: "enroll",
    value: false
    name: "email",
    value: "",
    // transform value on change
    transform: value => value.toUpperCase(),
    // validate value on change
    validate: ({ value, setError, getField }) => {
      // updated value of the field
      // getting data of another field
      const enroll = getField("enroll");
      // setting error on the email field
      if (enroll.value && !value) {
        setError("Email cannot be blank");
        return false; // validation failed
      return true; // validation passed

Form Options

Property Type Default Description
submit callback ({getValue, getFields, getObject}) => void called when form is submitted (via form helper submit() or when handleSubmit is triggered)

Check this example to know more about using this callback.

Returned Object

const { fields: [], ...helpers } = useForm();

The useForm hook returns an Object that contains:

  • an Array of fields, created in the same order as the field options were passed
  • additional helpers to work with the form

Following are the properties of the returned object-

Property Type Description
fields Array array of fields in the same order the options are passed to the hook. See more details below.
setFieldValue Function(fieldName:String, value:any) helper method to set any field value
setFieldError Function(fieldName:String, error:String) helper method to set any field error
reset Function method to reset all the fields to their initial values
submit Function method to manually trigger submit callback of the form options argument passed to the hook
handleSubmit Function event handler for <form /> on submit event. See example.
isDirty Function flag that indicates at least one of the fields is dirty
isInvalid Function flag that indicates at least one of the fields is invalid

Field Object


Following are the properties of each field object returned in the fields array -

Property Type Description
name string name of the field
value any value of the field
initialValue any initial value of the field
dirty boolean flag to indicate that the value has been changed
error string field error set by using setError or setFieldError methods
invalid boolean flag to indicate that field has invalid value
Method Params Returns Description
setValue name: string, value: any void method to set a value of a field
setError name: string, error: string void method to set an error on a field
validate void method to manually trigger field validation
Event Handlers
Name Element Event Description
handleChange <input/> change updates field's value, element