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FreeCodeCamp- Information Security and Quality Assurance


  • Build a full stack JavaScript app that is functionally similar to this:

  • ADD YOUR MongoDB connection string to .env without quotes as db example: DB=mongodb://

  • SET NODE_ENV to test without quotes

  • You need to create all routes within routes/api.js

  • You will add any security features to server.js

  • You will create all of the functional tests in tests/2_functional-tests.js


User Stories

  • Nothing from my website will be cached in my client as a security measure.

  • I will see that the site is powered by 'PHP 4.2.0' even though it isn't as a security measure.

  • I can post a title to /api/books to add a book and returned will be the object with the title and a unique \_id.

  • I can get /api/books to retrieve an aray of all books containing title, _id, & commentcount.

  • I can get /api/books/{\_id} to retrieve a single object of a book containing title, _id, & an array of comments (empty array if no comments present).

  • I can post a comment to /api/books/{\_id} to add a comment to a book and returned will be the books object similar to get /api/books/{\_id}.

  • I can delete /api/books/{\_id} to delete a book from the collection. Returned will be 'delete successful' if successful.

  • If I try to request a book that doesn't exist I will get a 'no book exists' message.

  • I can send a delete request to /api/books to delete all books in the database. Returned will be 'complete delete successful' if successful.

  • All 6 functional tests requiered are complete and passing.

/api/books list all books add new book delete all books
/api/books/1234 show book 1234 add comment to 1234 delete 1234


  • Node
  • Express
  • Helmet
  • Mocha-Chai
  • Bootstrap
  • javascript
  • Html

Project Structure:

├── assertion-analyser.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── public
│   ├── client.js
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   └── style.css
├── routes
│   ├── api.js
│   └── fcctesting.js
├── server.js
├── test-runner.js
├── tests
│   ├── 1_unit-tests.js
│   └── 2_functional-tests.js
└── views
    └── index.html

Project Demo:
