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jenkins-master-slave setup

It is pretty common when starting with Jenkins to have a single server which runs the master and all builds, however Jenkins architecture is fundamentally "Master+Agent". The master is designed to do co-ordination and provide the GUI and API endpoints, and the Agents are designed to perform the work. The reason being that workloads are often best "farmed out" to distributed servers.


This document explains jenkins master slave setup on docker containers.

Steps implemented

  • Launch two EC2 nodes for jenkins master and slave
  • Configure required softwares
  • Configure Jenkins Master
  • Configure two Jenkins Slaves
  • Jenkins Jobs setup

Traditional Vs Modern way of setup

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EC2 Servers setup

Execute below steps:

  • Create an aws account at
  • Create IAM user and note down access key and secret key
  • Create key-pair and download the keypair
  • Clone git repo and execute below steps:
git clone


terraform.tfvars holds variables which should be overriden with valid ones. First two values are AWS Access key and secret key. Create IAM user and get these values. Last two values are aws_key_pair. Create AWS key-pair from EC2 -> Network and Security -> key-pair. Change permissions of .pem file to 400, and mention key_name without .pem extension. Execute next two steps to create resources.


This will display all the command terraform will execute. This is a dry run.

cd checkoutcode/infra update terraform.tfvars with appropriate details

terraform plan -var-file terraform.tfvars


This will create all the resources mentioned in tf scripts. Ensure to provide valid AMI ID's and your desired aws-region.

terraform apply -var-file terraform.tfvars


To destroy the resources, execute terraform destroy

terraform destroy -var-file terraform.tfvars

Above step will provision two EC2 servers in public subnet.

Software and user setup

Login on EC2 master and slave servers using below command

ssh -i name_of_pem_file.pem ec2-user@IP

Install docker

sudo yum install docker
sudo service docker start

Create Jenkins user

sudo useradd -m -d /home/jenkins jenkins

Add jenkins in docker group to perform docker operations

sudo usermod -a -G docker jenkins

Note down Jenkins user UID

id jenkins

Create password for Jenkins user

sudo passwd jenkins

Enable Password login on EC2. Edit sshd configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config as root.

Set PasswordAuthentication value to 'yes'

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Restart sshd service

sudo service sshd restart

Jenkins Master Setup

Once softwares and user setup is complete, execute below command to setup Jenkins master docker container. Change ownership of /var/lib/jenkins to jenkins:jenkins Switch to jenkins user and start Jenkins master as a docker container:

sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins /var/lib/jenkins
sudo su jenkins
docker run --name <Name_Of_Container> —u <uid-jenkins> -d -v <Host_directory>:<container_dir> -p jenkins_port:jenkins_port -p exposed_port:exposed_port jenkins/jenkins:lts

I used below command for jenkins:

docker run --name Jenkins_Master -u 501 -d -v /var/lib/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins/jenkins:lts


  • docker run - to start docker container
  • --name - Name of container
  • -u enter uid of jenkins id (get using id jenkins)
  • -v volume - source:destination /var/lib/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home
  • -p host port
  • -p docker port
  • jenkins/jenkins:lts - docker image

After this command jenkins master is running docker container, to validate execute below command

docker ps | grep jenkins

Open "hostip:8080" on browser

Copy jenkins password from (inside the container). To login on container, execute below command

docker exec -it Jenkins_Master bash
cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

When promted, install suggested plug-ins and create admin user/password

Install "docker plugin" from available plugin's and restart jenkins.

Go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plug-ins -> Search for Docker -> Install

Master Jenkins setup is complete now !!

Jenkins Slave Setup

Login on second node (slave node) and enable docker API on port 2376. Docker API is enabled differently on each operating system. We are targetting linux ec2 here. Update /etc/sysconfig/docker with below contents.

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/docker

Update Options line with below contents:

OPTIONS="--default-ulimit nofile=1024:4096 -H tcp://privateip:2376 -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

Where privateip is private IP of slave node. Restart docker service

sudo service docker restart

Check whether docker service is up and running or not at port 2376

ps -ef | grep docker

Login on Jenkins master on browser (masterIP:8080), and setup slaves via UI

Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Add a new Cloud and enter details as per images below:

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Using above method, you can add as many Jenkins Slaves as you want. Slaves can be configured on same host or different hosts

Jenkins Job Setup


Jenkins Master Slave Setup on Docker






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