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FileRift is a versatile NuGet package designed for reading and soon writing tabular data from files. It supports various delimited formats such as comma-separated, pipe-separated, and tab-separated files and also supports fixed width files.


FileRift can be easily installed using Nuget using the following command

dotnet add FileRift


Typed Reader

FileRift provides a simple way to read delimited files and map them into a class. Example usage:

Take a look at the Csv file below.

cd0cf662-9983-4152-8230-2a6f225ad985, John, Doe, 25, true
b3436c0e-7eb4-4620-b9eb-7890c3462fbe, Jane, "Mary Doe", 22, false

This can be mapped into a class with the following code

var reader = FileRiftBuilder

IEnumerable<Person> data = reader.Read();

That's it! That's it! The BuildAutoConfiguredReader method does a few things.

  1. It assumes that the file has a header.
  2. It scans the first 20 rows to try to understand the file type.
  3. It automatically generates a class map that will ignore casing, ignore underscores, spaces and hypens

Explicit Configuration

If you do not want the class mapper to be auto configured, you can do the following.

var classMap = new ClassMap<Person>();
classMap.AddColumnMap("FirstName", x => x.FirstName)
    .AddColumnMap("LastName", x => x.LastName)
    .AddColumnMap("Age", x => x.Age)
    .AddColumnMap("IsStudent", x => x.IsStudent)
    .AddColumnMap("Id", x => x.Id);

// Building the file reader
 var fileReader = FileReaderBuilder

// Reading the file
IEnumerable<Person> results = fileReader.Read()

Note that we are not configuring the delimters or escape characters. FileRift automatically reads the first 20 lines of the file and tries to detect the delimiters and separators.

Configuring the Reader

You can also choose to configure the reader manually. You can do that as described below.

// Setting up the class mapping
var classMap = new ClassMap<Person>();
classMap.AddColumnMap("FirstName", x => x.FirstName)
    .AddColumnMap("LastName", x => x.LastName)
    .AddColumnMap("Age", x => x.Age)
    .AddColumnMap("IsStudent", x => x.IsStudent)
    .AddColumnMap("Id", x => x.Id);

// Building the file reader
 var fileReader = FileReaderBuilder.BuildDelimitedReader(pathToFile)

// Reading the file
IEnumerable<Person> results = fileReader.Read()

// Process results here.

Access DataReader

FileRift also allows direct access to the underlying DataReader for more flexibility:

using var reader = FileRiftBuilder

    var name = reader.GetString("First Name");
    var age = reader.GetInt32("Age");
    var id = reader.GetGuid("Id");
    var dateOfBirth = reader.GetDateTime("Date Of Birth");
    // Process data here

Support Date Format per file

FileRift supports specifying valid date formats to read dates. If formats are not provided, FileRift parses dates using the standard DateTime.Parse method.

var classMap = new ClassMap<Person>();
classMap.AddColumnMap("FirstName", x => x.FirstName)
    .AddColumnMap("LastName", x => x.LastName)
    .AddColumnMap("Age", x => x.Age)
    .AddColumnMap("IsStudent", x => x.IsStudent)
    .AddColumnMap("Id", x => x.Id);

 var fileReader = FileRiftBuilder.BuildDelimitedReader(pathToFile)
            .WithDateFormats("MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd")

The key line there is .WithDateFormats("MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd").

The formatting tokens are available in Microsoft's Documentation

Fixed Length File Reader

FileRift also supports reading FixedWidth files. If you're not sure what a fixed width file here, take a look at the file below

cd0cf662-9983-4152-8230-2a6f225ad985John                Doe                 25true 
b3436c0e-7eb4-4620-b9eb-7890c3462fbeJane                Mary Doe            22false

The first 36 characters of this file has the "Id" field. The second 20 characters has the first name. The next 20 characters contains the last name. The last 5 characters contains whether they are a student.

Fixed width files do not have headers embedded in the file.

FileRift also supports reading Fixed Width Files similarly.

var pathToFile = Path.Join(_basePath, "Files", "FixedWidthFile.txt");
var classMap = new ClassMap<Person>();
    .AddColumnMap("Id", x => x.Id)
    .AddColumnMap("FirstName", x => x.FirstName)
    .AddColumnMap("LastName", x => x.LastName)
    .AddColumnMap("Age", x => x.Age)
    .AddColumnMap("IsStudent", x => x.IsStudent);

// var fileReader = new DelimitedFileReader<Person>(pathToFile, true, ',', '\"', classMap, true);
var columns = new List<FixedWidthColumnInfo>()
    new(1, 36, "Id"),
    new(2, 20, "FirstName"),
    new(3, 20, "LastName"),
    new(4, 2, "Age"),
    new(5, 5, "IsStudent"),

// var fileReader = new FixedWidthFileReader<Person>(pathToFile, columns, classMap);
var fileReader = FileRiftBuilder.FixedWidth(pathToFile)

var results = fileReader.Read().ToList();

The code above allows us to provide a configuration for the fixed width file. The file can then be mapped into a class or read with a DataReader.

Configuring ClassMaps

It becomes tedious to configure ClassMaps every time you need to parse a file. So FileRift supports pre-configuring ClassMaps for reuse.

var classMap = new ClassMap<Person>();
// ... (as before)

var classMaps = new ClassMaps();

Now, you can read a file at any time without reconfiguring the ClassMap:

 var pathToFile = Path.Join(_basePath, "Files", "CsvWithHeader.csv");
var fileReader = FileRiftBuilder

var results = fileReader.Read().ToList();


  • Allow mapping into types that have a constructor with parameters.
  • Add Documentation for ignoring line level errors and how to access the error log


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