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Implemented store/2 and minor changes in capture/3
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Stores the card details of the customer for later use.
Implemented in two ways, either email or customer id is needed.
Returns a card id which can be used in purchase/3, authorize/3 and unstore/2
  • Loading branch information
RajeetKaushal committed Mar 22, 2018
1 parent 19a9a46 commit 4a6b9b8
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 7 deletions.
91 changes: 84 additions & 7 deletions lib/gringotts/gateways/securion_pay.ex
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ defmodule Gringotts.Gateways.SecurionPay do
| Action | Method |
| ------ | ------ |
| Authorize a Credit Card | `authorize/3` |
| Capture a previously authorized amount | `capture/3` |
| Captures a previously authorized amount | `capture/3` |
| Create customer's profile | `store/2` |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,27 +142,103 @@ defmodule Gringotts.Gateways.SecurionPay do
> SecurionPay does not support partial captures. So there is no need of amount in capture.
## Example
iex> amount = 100
iex> payment_id = "char_WCglhaf1Gn9slpXWYBkZqbGK"
iex> opts = [config: "c2tfdGVzdF9GZjJKcHE1OXNTV1Q3cW1JOWF0aWk1elI6"]
iex> result = Gringotts.Gateways.SecurionPay.capture(payment_id, amount, opts)
iex> opts = [config: [secret_key: "c2tfdGVzdF82cGZBYTI3aDhvOUUxanRJZWhaQkE3dkE6"]]
iex> amount = 100
iex> payment_id = "char_WCglhaf1Gn9slpXWYBkZqbGK"
iex> result = Gringotts.Gateways.SecurionPay.capture(payment_id, amount, opts)
@spec capture(String.t(), Money.t(), keyword) :: {:ok | :error, Response}
def capture(payment_id, _amount, opts) do
header = [{"Authorization", "Basic " <> opts[:config]}]
header = [{"Authorization", "Basic " <> opts[:config][:secret_key]}]

commit([], :post, "charges/#{payment_id}/capture", header)
|> respond

@doc """
Stores the customer's card details for later use.
SecurionPay can store the payment-source details, for example card details
which can be used to effectively process _One-Click_ payments, and returns a
card id which can be used for `purchase/3`, `authorize/3` and `unstore/2`.
The card id is available in the `` field.
It is **mandatory** to pass either `:email` or `:customer_id` in the opts field.
Here `store/2` is implemented in two ways:
* `:customer_id` is available in the opts field
* `:email` is available in the opts field(`:customer_id` not available)
## Example
### With the `:customer_id` available in the opts field
iex> opts = [config: [secret_key: "c2tfdGVzdF9GZjJKcHE1OXNTV1Q3cW1JOWF0aWk1elI6"], customer_id: "cust_zpYEBK396q3rvIBZYc3PIDwT"]
iex> card = %CreditCard{
first_name: "Harry",
last_name: "Potter",
number: "4200000000000000",
year: 2027,
month: 12,
verification_code: "123",
brand: "VISA"
iex> result =, opts)
## Example
### With `:email` in the opts field
iex> opts = [config: [secret_key: "c2tfdGVzdF9GZjJKcHE1OXNTV1Q3cW1JOWF0aWk1elI6"], email: ""]
iex> card = %CreditCard{
first_name: "Harry",
last_name: "Potter",
number: "4200000000000000",
year: 2027,
month: 12,
verification_code: "123",
brand: "VISA"
iex> result =, opts)
@spec store(CreditCard.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Response.t()}
def store(card, opts) do
header = [{"Authorization", "Basic " <> opts[:config][:secret_key]}]

if Keyword.has_key?(opts, :customer_id) do
card |> create_card(opts, header)
card |> create_customer(opts, header)


# Creates the parameters for authorise function when
# card_id and customerId is provided.

# @spec create_card()
defp create_card(card, opts, header) do
{"number", card.number},
{"expMonth", card.month},
{"expYear", card.year},
{"cvc", card.verification_code}
|> commit(:post, "customers/#{opts[:customer_id]}/cards", header)

# @spec create_customer()
defp create_customer(card, opts, header) do
customer_id =
[{"email", opts[:email]}]
|> commit(:post, "customers", header)
|> make_map
|> Map.fetch!("id")

create_card(card, opts ++ [customer_id: customer_id], header)

@spec create_params(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Integer.t(), boolean) :: {[]}
defp create_params(card_id, customer_id, currency, value, captured) do
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