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Writing Model Plugins

Flatland is designed with extensibility in mind. Users can write their own Plugins to tailor the simulator for their specific needs. A Model Plugin is a plugin that is attached to a given model and perform specific functions for that model. You can check flatland_plugins for existing examples of plugins.

ModelPlugin Base Class Overview

The plugin system is implemented using ROS pluginlib. All model plugins must implement the base class ModelPlugin with the critical class members listed below. When the model plugin initializes, the YAML Node containing the parameters for the plugin is passed in. It is up to the plugin to extract data from the YAML Nodes and throw exceptions if any errors occur. Any exceptions derived from std::exception will be caught and handled gracefully. However, we recommend throwing exceptions from flatland_server/exceptions.h.

class ModelPlugin {

  // ROS node handle initialize with robot namespace, if namespace is "", it
  // will work as if there are no namespace
  ros::NodeHandle nh_;

  const std::string &GetName() const;
  const std::string &GetType() const;
  Model *GetModel();

  // This function must be overridden for initialization. The YAML Node is
  // passed in for processing by the specific plugin
  virtual void OnInitialize(const YAML::Node &config) = 0;

  // These two functions are called before and after the physics step, the
  // time data contained in timekeeper and ROS simulation time from
  // ros::Time::Now() have been set correctly
  virtual void BeforePhysicsStep(const Timekeeper &timekeeper) {} // time t
  virtual void AfterPhysicsStep(const Timekeeper &timekeeper) {}  // time t + dt

  // helper function to filter contact and returns true if the model is involved
  // in the contact, or false otherwise. If true, entity returns the pointer
  // to the entity that collided with the model, this_fixture returns the
  // fixture in the model, other_fixture returns the fixture in the entity
  bool FilterContact(b2Contact *contact, Entity *&entity,
                     b2Fixture *&this_fixture, b2Fixture *&other_fixture);

  // simplified version that just return true / false
  bool FilterContact(b2Contact *contact);

  // Box2D collision callbacks use the FilterContact method to check if the this 
  // plugin's model is involved in the collision, See Box2D documentation for 
  // complete information about these callbacks. These call backs are always
  // called between the BeforePhysicsStep() and AfterPhysicsStep(). The simulation
  // time is always equal to the time at BeforePhysicsStep().

  // Called when two fixtures starts to contact
  virtual void BeginContact(b2Contact *contact) {}  // time t

  // called when two fixtures stops contact
  virtual void EndContact(b2Contact *contact) {}  // time t

  // called before solving collision, may be called multiple times in a time step
  virtual void PreSolve(b2Contact *contact, const b2Manifold *oldManifold) {}  // time t

  // called after solving collision, may be called multiple times in a time step
  virtual void PostSolve(b2Contact *contact, const b2ContactImpulse *impulse) {}  // time t

Box2D contact object is generated when two Box2D fixtures collide, it contains all the information about the collision. Box2D fixtures are the underlying physics implementation of footprints in the simulation. From b2Contacts, you can obtain which two fixtures have collided. From b2Fixtures, we can get the b2Body that the fixture belongs to, which also has a one to one relationship to the Flatland's Bodies. Each b2Body contain a pointer to a Flatland Body, and each Flatland Body has pointer to a entity that is either a layer or a model. Use the Type() method to determine if an entity is a model or layer. This is shown as below.

// Get the body
flatland_server::Body *b1 = (flatland_server::Body*) contact->GetFixtureA()->GetBody()->GetUserData();
flatland_server::Body *b2 = (flatland_server::Body*) contact->GetFixtureB()->GetBody()->GetUserData();

flatland_server::Entity *e = b1->GetEntity();
if (e->Type() == flatland_server::Entity::EntityType::LAYER) {
  // entity is Layer
} else if (e->Type() == flatland_server::Entity::EntityType::MODEL) {
  // entity is Model

Creating the Plugin

Say you would want to make a plugin to have a body in the model move at given constant x, y and yaw rates. This will reside in a package called my_plugins.

  1. Create a subclass of ModelPlugin. Note that the name space must be flatland_plugins. We must implement the OnInitialize() abstract method, and we need to override the BeforePhysicsStep() to apply the velocity. The velocities are stored in the vel_x, vel_y, and omega members. We also need to keep a pointer to the body we are going to apply the velocity to.
// include/my_plugins/const_velocity_plugin.h

#include <Box2D/Box2D.h>
#include <flatland_server/model_plugin.h>
#include <flatland_server/timekeeper.h>
#include <flatland_server/body.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>


namespace flatland_plugins {

class ConstVelocity : public flatland_server::ModelPlugin {


  double vel_x, vel_y, omega;
  flatland_server::Body *body;

  void OnInitialize(const YAML::Node &config) override;

  void BeforePhysicsStep(const flatland_server::Timekeeper &timekeeper) override;



We then write the implementation for the ConstVelocity class, the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro is used to register the class within the plugin system. YamlReader class is used to help extracting data from the YAML Node.

// src/const_velocity_plugin.cpp

#include <flatland_plugins/laser.h>
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <flatland_server/yaml_reader.h>
#include <flatland_server/exceptions.h>

namespace flatland_plugins {

void ConstVelocity::OnInitialize(const YAML::Node &config) {
  flatland_server::YamlReader reader(config);

  vel_x = reader.Get<double>("vel_x");
  vel_y = reader.Get<double>("vel_y");
  omega = reader.Get<double>("omega");

  body = GetModel()->GetBody(reader.Get<std::string>("body"));

  // check a valid body is given
  if (body == nullptr) {
    throw flatland_server::YAMLException("Body with with the given name does not exist");

void ConstVelocity::BeforePhysicsStep(const flatland_server::Timekeeper &timekeeper) {
  body->GetPhysicsBody()->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(vel_x, vel_y));


  1. Add pluginlib and flatland_server as dependencies in package.xml and CMakeLists.txt. We also need to add the source of the plugin to compile as a library in CMakeLists.txt.




find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
add_library(my_plugins_lib src/const_velocity_plugin.cpp)
  1. At this point, the code should compile, but we can't load the plugin dynamically yet because flatland_server would not know its existence. To do this we need to add a flatland_plugins.xml file to list the plugins defined in this package and then export it.

    Create a file called flatland_plugins.xml. The <library> tag specifies the compiled library we want to export, note that prefix "lib" is always added to compiled library binaries. The <class> tag declares plugins we want to export. Add as many <class> tags as required for the plugins that needs to be exported. The description of parameter are as follows.

    • type: The fully qualified type of the plugin, which is my_plugins::ConstVelocity we just created
    • base_class: The fully qualified base class type for the plugin, which will always be flatland_server::ModelPlugin.
    • description: A description of what the plugin does


<library path="lib/libmy_plugins_lib">
  <class type="my_plugins::ConstVelocity" base_class_type="flatland_server::ModelPlugin">
    <description>Constant velocity plugin</description>

Finally, add the following to package.xml <export> tag to export the plugin. The name of the tag should always be flatland_server. And the name of the xml file should be the same as the one defined above.


  <flatland_server plugin="${prefix}/flatland_plugins.xml" />
  1. To verify that things are working correctly, build the workspace, source devel/setup.bash, and run the following command. You should see the the full path to the flatland_plugins.xml file. This means the exporting is configuring correctly.
$ rospack plugins --attrib=plugin flatland_server
  1. Using a plugin

    To use a model plugin, simply add a plugin entry under plugins as shown in the example model yaml file below. After adding the model to the world, the model should travel at the specified velocities.

  - name: base
      - type: polygon
        points: [[.5, .5], [-.5, .5], [-.5, -.5], [.5, -.5]]
        density: 1

  - type: ConstVelocity 
    name: const_velocity_drive 
    body: base
    vel_x: 1
    vel_y: 0.2
    omega: -0.5
  1. If there are issues, check that PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS is used to export the plugin class, check the spelling of classes, library files, plugin.xml XML tags, and file names to make everything is hooked up correctly.

Model Namespacing

Models have a optional namespace parameter. When it is not set, it defaults to "", and it is equivalent to having no namespace. Namespace allows the simulation to load multiple of the same model, without worrying about the topic names and TF frames conflicting between these models. The node handle of model plugins are initialized with the model's namespace, and the namespace will be automatically added to all topic names subscribed and advertised. This is shown below.

nh_ = ros::NodeHandle(model_->namespace_);

To avid conflicts in TF frame IDs, if the plugins choose to publish TF, use tf::resolve() function to prepend the namespace to frames on the model as shown below.


NameSpaceTF will not prepend to frame_id's beginning with "/". It will instead strip the leading "/".

YAML Reader

Flatland server provides YAML Reader to simplify the process of extracting data from YAML files. It provides methods to extract scalars, lists, and array as well as providing error checking, checks for invalid/unused keys, and it throws exceptions with messages telling the user what and where the error is. Check YamlReader from API documentation, and examples throughout flatland_server and flatland_plugins for more details.

Simulation Time

Using the launch file provided, ROS will be configured to use simulation time. One can use ros::Time::now() to get the current time. Simulation time can be obtained from the timekeeper object, as well as other time related information such as step size.

Update Timer

It is often desireable to perform updates at a slower rate than what the simulation is running at. For example, the simulation might be executing in real time speed at 200Hz, and you wish to publish laser data at 10Hz. This can be done through the flatland_plugins/UpdateTimer class. The following code snippet shows how it can be used, and more information and examples can be obtained from API documentation as well as examples in flatland_plugins.

#include <flatland_plugins/update_timer.h>

UpdateTimer update_timer;
update_timer.SetRate(10);  // set rate in Hz
void YourPlugin::BeforePhysicsStep(const Timekeeper &timekeeper) {

  // check if an update is REQUIRED
  if (!update_timer.CheckUpdate(timekeeper)) {

  // the code here will be run at 10Hz