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Alberto Viezzi edited this page Nov 22, 2021 · 5 revisions

This project don't have a specific starting order, the worst scenario is when client stars first, let us to analyse this case.

Start Client

To start the client go inside project folder, open a terminal, type dotnet run and press ENTER.

The client starts and it waits for the worker to run. In this case the connection status is set to DISCONNECTED and the USB status is set to UNPLUGGED

Start Worker

To start the worker go inside project folder, open terminal, type dotnet run and press ENTER.

When worker starts, the client established a connection with the SignalR hub. Then the client set the connections status to CONNECTED and the USB status to UNPLUGGED

USB Plug/Unplug

When client and worker are running normally.

Wait until an USB is plugged in, when this happens the home page is refreshed, the USB status is update to PLUGGED and the USB serialnumber is shown.
When the USB stick is unplugged the USB status is then updated to UNPLUGGED.

Pratical Example

Run client

This step shows how start client and what browser application page shows.

Client start

Run worker

This step shows how start worker and when browser application page is updated.

Worker start

Web Application

This step show how browser application page react when usb stick is plugging/unplugging.

Browser state

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