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Avi's Rails Starter


Use this as a starter for your new Rails application. To use, just clone or copy this repository and run the rake template:reset to reset the application to a new state for you.


ruby 3.2.2
rails rails/rails, branch: main
Database postgres, pg
Server puma 6
Javascript Bundling importmap-rails
CSS tailwindcss-rails
Environment Variables dotenv-rails
Testing rspec-rails
Factories/Fixtures factory_bot_rails
Debugger pry-rails
Errors better_errors
LiveReload rails_live_reload
HTML Linter htmlbeautifier
ERB Linter erb_lint
Ruby Linter standardrb, rubocop-rails
RSpec Linter rubocop-rspec
Profiler rack-mini-profiler
UI Kit shadcn-ui

Process Management

To start the application, run ./bin/dev which will try to use overmind and if not, use foreman.


pry-rails is installed. You can connect to any debugging session via ./bin/debug which connects to the overmind tmux session.

Resetting the Application

A rake task is provided to reset the application to your application such as renaming the main application module, changing the database names, resetting the git repository to a new state, and resetting the if you want.


rake template:reset

shadcn-ui is installed with the button, dropdown, and popover components already installed in the application. The majority of the configuration takes place in config/shadcn.tailwind.js and imported into config/tailwind.config.js. app/assets/stylesheets/shadcn.css which is imported into app/assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css


The PagesController is setup to render the templates that come with the starter. Light/Dark mode is controller via the Stimulus controller app/javascript/controllers/theme_controller.js. Any element bound to data-controller="theme" data-action="theme#toggle" will toggle the theme with preferences saved to local storage.


Landing Page


App Page


Shell Page

Hatchbox Deployment

If you use hatchbox and set the environment variables


You can trigger a deploy to hatchbox from your main branch with ./bin/deploy