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React + Typescript + Clean Architecture Starter

This is a repository to start a new React + Typescript project following SOLID principles (Clean Architecture).


Install dependencies

$ yarn

Run the app

$ yarn start

Build the app

$ yarn build

Preview the production version locally

$ yarn preview

Run tests

$ yarn test

Watch mode

$ yarn test:watch

Generate coverage

$ yarn coverage


This project has 4 layers:

  • Entities: entities of the system (enterprise business rules)
  • App: use-cases of the system (application business rules) and contracts to interact with external services
  • Externals: implementations with external services of the contracts defined in the Application layer
  • UI: presentation layer (regular React project structure) isolated from the core business rules


This repository supports the following features:

  • Path aliases with @/ (e.g., import { User } from "@/entities/user";)


This codebase has 5 main folders:

  • src/entities: To define the entities

For example: There is an entity User.

  • src/app/contracts: To define the contracts that should be followed especially by external items like IUserRepository:
  1. create()
  2. update()
  3. delete()
  4. deleteAll()
  5. getById()
  6. listAll()
  • src/app/use-cases: To define the system actions. For example:
  1. create-user
  2. update-user
  3. delete-user
  4. get-user-by-id
  5. list-users

Each use case should have its automated tests.

  • src/externals: To define the rest, implementations that are not important for the business rules like Http Clients, Libraries, Cache, etc.

  • src/ui: To define the UI or Presentation layer of the app, in this case a React project.


  • React as the UI Library
  • Axios as the Http Client
  • Formik for handling forms
  • Vitest for unit and integration tests


This is a template following SOLID principles with React + Typescript. The goal here is to use React only in the UI layer, in order to decouple the business rules.

Feel free to use the best practices for React in terms of routing, componentization, contexts, hooks, etc. Business rules should be reserverd to use cases and entities.


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