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OnyxDAO is a revolutionary reward program for DAO and its users that helps web2 as well as web3 users to take part and submit their builds for their community by verifying their Lens handle (for web3 users) or log in easily using Magic social logins (without a need to have a EOA or a wallet for the same) and obtain Onyx Verifiable Credentials. People/Companies with good on-chain reputation on Lens Protocol or if they are logged in using Magic Social Logins can get their onyx verifiable credentials using OnyxDAO. Participants will have to collect these Verifiable Credentials to unlock other benefits. They can submit or/and vote the projects on-chain by verifying their onyx verifiable presentations on zksync era testnet with their gas fees sponsored by the platform using zkSync Era's Paymaster


  1. Lack of Transparency: Users don't have visibility to the on-chain activities of others.
  2. Difficulty in Onboarding: Onboarding developers and creating a community can be challenging on traditional platforms.
  3. Inadequate Recognition: Developers can't showcase their projects and their Proof of Work. Also, the companies can't verify the authenticity of projects and developers.


  • Seamless Onboarding: With just a single click of a button, users can easily onboard onto the OnyxDAO platform and can access developer communities.
  • Verifiable Credentials Developers will get Verifiable Credentials on completing projects and tasks, that will help them build their Proof of Work
  • Voting: Developers can vote on different projects, select the winners and win scholarships.

Sponsors Used

Onyx SDK

  • Admins of on-chain communities(DAOs): Businesses can effortlessly register on our platform using the Magic SDK social login feature, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
  • Members of on-chain communities(DAOs):

Visa: B2B Payments

  • Admins of on-chain communities(DAOs): OnyxDAO can be used by existing Web3 companies to scale their developer community.
  • Tools for Better Developer Experience

Lens Protocol

  • On-chain Reputation: People/Companies with certain number of stats on Lens Protocol(followers, collects, publications) can create communities on OnyxDAO
  • Lens Protocol Social Graph: Developers can complete their assignments and can post using Lens Protocol

Magic SDK

  • Seamless Onboarding: With just a single click of a button, users can easily onboard onto the OnyxDAO platform and can access developer communities. Web2 Developers can use the social login feature of Magic SDK and can hold Verifiable Credentials in their smart contract accounts.


  • Paymaster: All the on-chain activities done by the developers like voting on projects and submitting projects will be sponsored by the platform, providing a smooth and gasless UX.
  • Onyx SSI SDK x zkSync AA Open Track: Developers are issued Verifiable Credentials as they keep on completing the assignments and interact with other projects.









  • Integrate more on-chain credentials from Lens Protocol and issue Onyx Verifiable Credentials to make a robust Credential gated DAO
  • Make all the transactions gasses using zkSync Paymasters
  • Collaborate with different developer communities and scale the platform
  • Gamify the platform for the developers so that they can showcase their Proof of Work


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