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Vladislav Alekseev edited this page Feb 1, 2022 · 9 revisions

File Cache

Emcee caches contents of URLs locally. You should not change the files behind URLs that you pass to Emcee. These changes might be not picked up, unless you nuke the caches. Generate new URLs instead.

Emcee maintains file cache on each worker. It lives in ~/Library/Caches/ru.avito.Runner.cache/. Currently it keeps only the files used by test runner within the last hour.

It is advisable to not mess with cache. The only operation you can perform with it is to nuke it entirely, but be sure all Emcee processes are killed, e.g. by running pkill Emcee*.

Multiple Emcee processes can have access to this shared file cache. This is controlled by a shared file lock on the whole cache. Thus, it is safe to update Emcee queue and workers as needed, they will not affect each other when using file cache.

Defining Cache Size

You can specify cache size per each worker by specifying worker configuration in your queue server configuration.

Runtime Dump Cache

You can provide a local path to remote cache configuration JSON file for runtime dump via --remote-cache-config argument. When config is provided, Emcee will try to obtain cached runtime dump result from remote server and will store new results at this server.

Content of JSON is defined by configuration file. Example of JSON File is Here.

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