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Releases: avocadoboi/cpp20-http-client


10 Oct 22:10
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Changed the name of the library from C++20 internet client to C++20 HTTP client and restructured the namespaces a bit.
The idea for the library was initially to be open for more protocols than http, but I decided to keep it specific for a simpler structure.


16 Feb 16:48
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Added support for specifying ports in URLs, and fixed a few bugs.


25 Jun 08:20
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As the latest versions of the MSVC compiler now support pretty much all C++20 features, the library was made buildable with MSVC!

Also fixed some bugs that showed themselves when trying to build with MSVC.


01 Jun 08:36
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  • Fixed an issue with UniqueHandle that came up when testing on Windows.
  • Changed the template parameter naming convention.
  • Updated README


22 May 11:15
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  • Extracted a function from parse_headers_string to replace a loop with a std::ranges::copy.
  • Replaced a loop in a parse_headers_string test with a std::ranges::equal.
  • Removed a few GCC-specific warning flags (which weren't that important).
  • Updated the version number in the CMake script.
  • Small fixes.


05 Mar 11:09
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  • Added optional std::size_t template parameter to Socket::send and Socket::send_async functions to change the size of the receive buffer.
  • Added a simple async "DELETE" request example.
  • Small improvements.


12 Feb 20:24
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Removed support for C++20 UTF-8 string types (char8_t, std::u8string, std::u8string_view) because they add unnecessary complexity (having to add overloads or write templates) and usage inconvenience (having to construct string views manually or specify the character type as template argument). Since regular strings have always been used for utf-8, utf-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII, and there is no support for utf-8 in the standard library other than these types, there is no real benefit from using them.

The code style was modified to be more normative (only use trailing return types where readability is improved, separated public/private sections in classes), code was improved and bugs were fixed.


23 Jan 19:56
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Mostly improved code quality and extended documentation.


14 Dec 18:34
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Fixed a bug where requests without bodies kept the Transfer-encoding and Content-Length headers, confusing some servers.


06 Dec 16:45
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Bodies in requests now work properly, and the post_request example was extended to demonstrate this. Some small things like adding [[nodiscard]] in more places as well.