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The APWINE On-Chain Protocol


The APWINE protocol allow to trade future yield. Interest bearing tokens of other DeFi protocols are deposited on future contracts.

Futures are defined by a period duration (i.e 7 days), an interest bearing token (i.e. aDAI), and a platform (i.e AAVE).

At the begenning of each period, every liquidty providers receives an amount of future yield tokens (FYT) proportional to the liquidity deposited. They represents the future yield that each of these tokens will generated through that period. FYT follows the ERC20 standards and can be freely exchanged and traded.

At the expiration of one future period, its corresponding FYT can be burned to redeem the actual underlying yield

Main contracts

Contract name addresses role
Registry 0x39Bd31635217c51bF064f302E1d7e7Fb847cAfBb hold all the valid addresses of the contracts used by the protocol
Treasury 0xf7A4B132d866EEbfc0dE5b4a84DD1F0418BcfEda hold the treasury funds of the protocol
Controller 0xe7D8883099836F37b8844c65961D492EcdFADDa0 handles the futures contracts. User interfaces to the futures
GaugeController --- regulate the weight of liquidity gauge and APW emission

Futures contracts

Contract name role
Future Main contracts for future mecanisms (admin and user)
Future Vault hold the treasury funds of the protocol
Future Wallet hold the funds of expired futures
Liquidity Gauge track the user liquidity for the future


  1. Create a copy of .env.example and rename it .env. This file is ignored by git and will contain secrets which should always stay on your computer.
  2. Fill the .env with api keys, account mneumonic for deployement and other parameters
  3. npm install to install dependencies
  4. npm run covergage for detailed coverage report
  5. npm run test to run the tests