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File metadata and controls

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92 lines (51 loc) · 10.6 KB


Please refer to the FAQ, and the Issues for background info on what's outstanding (aside from there being lots of room for more and better docs).

Background reading

In general, the primary background information is covered in the Background Reading section of Equinox's Documentation.

Enterprise Integration Patterns, Hohpe/Woolf, 2004: Timeless book on messaging, routing integration and more.

  • Your link here - Please add materials that helped you on your journey so far here via PRs!


There's a glossary of terms in the Equinox Documentation.


The following diagrams are based on the style defined in @simonbrowndotje's C4 model, rendered using @skleanthous's PlantUmlSkin. It's highly recommended to view the talk linked from See acknowledgments section

Context diagram

While Equinox focuses on the Consistent Processing element of building an event-sourced decision processing system, offering tailored components that interact with a specific Consistent Event Store, Propulsion elements support the building of complementary facilities as part of an overall Application:

  • Ingesters: read stuff from outside the Bounded Context of the System. This kind of service covers aspects such as feeding reference data into Read Models, ingesting changes into a consistent model via Consistent Processing. These services are not acting in reaction to events emanating from the Consistent Event Store, as opposed to...
  • Publishers: react to events as they are arrive from the Consistent Event Store by filtering, rendering and producing to feeds for downstreams. While these services may in some cases rely on synchronous queries via Consistent Processing, it's never transacting or driving follow-on work; which brings us to...
  • Reactors: drive reactive actions triggered by either upstream feeds, or events observed in the Consistent Event Store. These services handle anything beyond the duties of Ingesters or Publishers, and will often drive follow-on processing via Process Managers and/or transacting via Consistent Processing. In some cases, a reactor app's function may be to progressively compose a notification for a Publisher to eventually publish.

The overall territory is laid out here in this C4 System Context Diagram:

Propulsion Context Diagram

Container diagram: Ingesters

Propulsion Container Diagram: Ingesters

Container diagram: Publishers

Propulsion Container Diagram: Publishers

Container diagram: Reactors

Propulsion Container Diagram: Reactors


See this medium post regarding some patterns used at Jet in this space for a broad overview of ways to structure large scale projection systems.

Propulsion.Cosmos Projection facilities

An integral part of the Equinox.Cosmos value proposition is the ability to project events based on the Azure CosmosDB ChangeFeed mechanism. Key elements involved in realizing this are:

In CosmosDB, every document lives within a logical partition, which is then hosted by a variable number of processor instances entitled physical partitions (Equinox.Cosmos documents pertaining to an individual stream bear the same partition key in order to ensure correct ordering guarantees for the purposes of projection). Each front end node of which a CosmosDB Container is comprised has responsibility for a particular subset range of the partition key space.

In concrete terms, the ChangeFeed's is as a long running Processor per frontend node that repeatedly tails (think of it as a SELECT * FROM <all docs for the node> WHERE lastUpdated > <checkpoint>) across the set of documents being managed by a given partition host (subject to topology changes; processor instances can spin up and down, with the assigned ranges shuffling to balance the load per processor). e.g. if you allocate 30K RU/s to a container and/or store >20GB of data, it will have at least 3 processors, each handling 1/3 of the partition key space, and running a change feed from that is a matter of maintaining 3 continuous queries, with a continuation token each being held/leased/controlled by a given Change Feed Processor.

Effect of ChangeFeed on Request Charges

It should be noted that the ChangeFeed is not special-cased by CosmosDB itself in any meaningful way; something somewhere is going to be making CosmosDB API queries, paying Request Charges for the privilege (even a tail request based on a continuation token yielding zero documents incurs a charge). It's thus important to consider that every Event written by Equinox.Cosmos into the CosmosDB Container will induce an approximately equivalent cost due to the fact that the freshly inserted document will be included in the next batch propagated by the Processor (each update of a document also 'moves' that document from it's present position in the change order past the the notional tail of the ChangeFeed). Thus each insert/update also induces an (unavoidable) request charge based on the fact that the document will be included aggregate set of touched documents being surfaced per batch transferred from the ChangeFeed (charging is per KiB or part thereof). The effect of this cost is multiplied by the number of ChangeFeedProcessors (consumer groups) one is running.

Change Feed Processors

As outlined above, the CosmosDB ChangeFeed's real world manifestation is as a continuous query per CosmosDB Container ("physical partition") node.

For .NET, this is wrapped in a set of APIs presented within the Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB[.Core] and/or Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos packages.

A ChangeFeed Processor consists of (per CosmosDB processor/range) the following elements:

  • a host process running somewhere that will run the query and then do something with the results before marking off progress (the instances need to coordinate to distribute the consumption processing load fairly, typically via a Leases Container)
  • a continuous query across the set of documents that fall within the partition key range hosted by a given physical partition host
  • that progress then needs to be maintained durably in some form of checkpoint stores (aka Leases Container), which by convention are maintained in an ancillary container alongside the source one, e.g. a given container will typically have a container-aux Leases Container sitting alongside it.

The Propulsion.Cosmos implementation in this repo uses Microsoft's .NET ChangeFeedProcessor implementation: Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.ChangeFeedProcessor, which is a proven component used for diverse purposes including as the underlying substrate for various Azure Functions wiring. The Propulsion.CosmosStore in this repo uses the evoution of the original ChangeFeedProcessor implementation: Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.ChangeFeedProcessor, that is integrated into OSS Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos impl. NOTE the necessary explicit checkpointing support was not exposed in the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos package until version 3.21.0.

See the PR that added the initial support for CosmosDb Projections and the Equinox QuickStart for instructions.


Feeding to Kafka

While Kafka is not for Event Sourcing, if you have the scale to run automate the care and feeding of Kafka infrastructure, it can a great tool for the job of Replicating events and/or Rich Events in a scalable manner.

The Apache Kafka intro docs provide a clear terse overview of the design and attendant benefits this brings to bear; it's strongly recommended to get any background info from that source.

As noted in the Effect of ChangeFeed on Request Charges section, it can make sense to replicate a subset of the ChangeFeed to a Kafka topic (both for projections being consumed within a Bounded Context and for cases where you are generating a Pubished Notification Event) purely from the point of view of optimizing request charges (and not needing to consider projections when considering how to scale up provisioning for load). Other benefits are mechanical sympathy based - Kafka can be the right tool for the job in scaling out traversal of events for a variety of use cases given one has sufficient traffic to warrant the complexity.

See the PR that added the initial support for CosmosDb Projections and the QuickStart for instructions.